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Show Off Your Rigs: Rebirth

Started by VOLVO))), December 04, 2010, 06:14:12 PM

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Actually, I think I've fig'd it out. The Red Concert Basses, like mine, are 300W @ 2 Ohms.
I've only ever run them @ 4.
So, the Wattages aren't AS deceiving. I still think with the Drive cranked a Beta could KO a Concert 9/10.




How's the 300T? Always kind of weirded me out...
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Quote from: SunnO))) on April 17, 2011, 12:06:38 AM
How's the 300T? Always kind of weirded me out...

I don't own it any more, but it was a pretty good amp for the 3-4 years I used it.  Lots of low end but it did not have the grittiness of the ampeg or traynor, a little clean and you needed an OD pedal to get any sort of drive, I wasn't a fan the the distorted channel either.

If the Traynor had another 100 watts it would be the best amp ever, for now it is my go to studio amp.

Danny G


Danny G FTW

I played this rig last night at Antone's, family reunion of sorts. Middle cab is the house Dietz 2x15 for Antone's. I have used it every time I play there, and have fallen in love with it. Rumoured to have belonged to Tommy Shannon.

On the left is a custom Mergilli Innovations replica based on the aforementioned Dietz's specs and loaded with period correct EV-B's.

Cab on the right is my newest aquisition. Found it on Craigslist, showed link to Eric Tessmer and he bought it to harvest the speakers (just blew the EV in his Vibroking). He then sells me the empty cab for $100. Which I then load with budget Eminence Delta 15's.

Heads are my trusty mid-70's SVT and a Fender TB-600 which is reliable as hell but not so much on tone.

Middle cab was not hooked up and strictly for looks!
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Cabs & Mesa...




Godin + home rig
Livin' The Life.


saving up for a proper louder head, with this shitty part-time job ill probably have enough in about 30 years  :P

2001(?) Green Matamp cab with hot 100's (saving up for better speakers too)
Blackout Effectors Twosome fuzz pedal
wylde crybaby wah (not pictured)


The fuck there goes another guitarist keepin' it quiet in the garage for the baby rig

kind of glad I didn't trade that 15" with Justin. :)


ANOTHER fucking guitarist? What is wrong with you and Gsuz?
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



To pararphrase Alibini
They're a load of fucking pussies.


"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



found a schematic, now my net is back properly, clean channel is closer to tube than the dirty channel which has like a built in RAT, with diode clipping, either channel you're gonna run through an op-amp buffer in the FX loop (even without FX) and the usual FET's and crap for channel switching. Why the hell use the vactrol on the input and then FET's everywhere else. Anyhoo, ran a boost into the clean channel and the damn thing is loud, no wonder guitar players go deaf, bloody treble.


My Marshall has that kind of tinny-trebly-engh to it. I should mod it over to the bass version, recap it and retube it. You'll guide me with pictures, eh, EH? hahaha.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Quote from: Hemisaurus on June 23, 2011, 09:14:26 PM
The fuck there goes another guitarist keepin' it quiet in the garage for the baby rig

kind of glad I didn't trade that 15" with Justin. :)

i know, right hemi! i'm still going back and forth on selling/trading one of my 2x15s for a different cab. i just don't know.

btw, is that your crate stealth?


i'm new to the forum.  figured i start off here and post up my rig.  this here is my A rig for my band shitdang.  if anybody on the forum is in florida you can come check us out on july 23rd at the orpheum in tampa w/yob and dark castle.


"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Quote from: SunnO))) on March 16, 2011, 02:25:41 PM
Alright, someone needs to explain something to everyone. Al CONSTANTLY uses guitar cabs, is this because he rocks an amp with a metric shit-ton of balls to act as sort of a kicker for his highs and mids coming from the guitar cabs? I know all of the Marshall cabs he used on tour weren't his, so they couldn't ALL have been fitted with bass 12s. I have a theory, maybe he's found a way to make a route-able crossover for his pedalboard, or somewhere hidden behind the amps to send only certain frequencies to certain amps, so he doesn't blow the 12s in the guitar cabs. Another theory, The AMOUNT of 12's he's using spreads the low end across enough area to counter-act them jumping out of the baskets. I was told that a 6x12 guitar cab was more than sufficient to play a bass through, it's the amount of speakers that matters... and, of course the handling power...

he plays a rick, stereo outs.  splits the rig at the guitar, effects all on the bass side, eq's the guitar rig for just higher frequencies.  8 75 or higher watt celestions can handle a 100 watt head with ease.  eq'ing out below 250hz (guesstimation) eliminates nasty cone throw which obviously shred cones and melts voice coils. those are straight up guitar cabs w/stock celestion speakers.  if you've seen him live, it's easy to identify his flow, when he switches into a lower volume passage his effects always lag on the bass side. 


also, if it were my rig i would run the bridge pickup to the treble side, neck pickup to the heavy side.  it sounds like that's what he is doing to me.


Single mono cord to a Boss tuner, one out to a Boss DS-1, one out to the DOD 250. I'd guess the DS-1 is the high side and the 250 the low, given the frequency response of each.

[attachment deleted by admin]


nice picture.  not how i would do it, but obviously very effective.  he's al, he can do what he wants.

Corey Y

Finally took a pic of my current bass rig last week.

Carvin SB4000
Traynor YBA-1
Ampeg 810e

My Sound City B120 and GK 800RB are stacked up in back, but they're not getting used right now. Maybe if I end up getting a 2x15 like I've been considering for a while. No pics of my guitar gear or pedals, which have changed a lot since the last time I posted pics in the old Jam Room, but I haven't really been playing guitar over the last year anyway.

Metal and Beer


That's my basic setup. It works all the time, every time, but for shows I borrow another 8x10 and lay 'em on their side because I like to wheel around lots of shit  ;)
I got that 370 from Fuzzfarmer back in '07; it's a great amp..
"Would it kill you fellas to play some Foghat?"


these rigs look so awesome.

must get digital camera . . .