Post the most recent song(s) you've written & recorded..

Started by Isabellacat, July 31, 2011, 06:57:45 AM

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Corey Y that is perfect!!! amazing tone.  Sludge is my favorite genre.

Corey Y

Quote from: everdrone on December 31, 2013, 07:17:55 PM
Corey Y that is perfect!!! amazing tone.  Sludge is my favorite genre.

Thanks man, I feel like I'm starting to dial in the sound I want for my solo stuff with that song. I need to actually start trying to write lyrics so I can record vocals for it.



1. Remember of all those settings.
2. Put everything into your car.
3. Drive to Denver.
4. Help usher in the apocalypse with me.

Corey Y

Quote from: Jake on January 02, 2014, 01:57:05 PM

1. Remember of all those settings.
2. Put everything into your car.
3. Drive to Denver.
4. Help usher in the apocalypse with me.

Thanks dude  8)

My settings are stupid simple. NMV channel on my guitar amp, all EQ knobs to noon. All knobs at noon on the RAT, gain and volume maxed on the Pharaoh in GE mode with tone knobs at noon, Meathead adjusted to match volume on the Pharaoh. Bass tone is a little more subtle, but not much.

I get so many "you need to move here so we can jam!" offers from people who are NOT in California.

I'm down for online collaborations. I can't play lead guitar for shit and I haven't written lyrics in years. I can still do vocals...I think. It's been a while.


Ola Amigos!  Como estas???  HA! wrote a spanish guitar solo tune with my fretlight showing the guitar scale :)  

"Latin Samba Lament" (guitar solo in Spanish Phrygian, bassguitar, samba drums)


Cheers  ;D

black aspirin

Finally finished re-working an old track I recorded years ago.  I never could figure out how to create the drum effect (in retrospect it was 'gated reverb' instead of 'reverse noise gate'), so I pulled the old drum track off my Roland VS-2400, and even the old guitar tracks.  Added some synth parts, threw a kick drum from BFD under the old drum track to give it a little more 'umph', EQ'd and re-mixed, and that was it.

This whole thing started when I was just fucking with the drum track back in the day.  Wasn't going for this industrial/weird drum sound, but as soon as I heard the effect, the whole thing took off in its own direction.
This Juan goes to 11.


"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



the Spanish jam. great fun.

I wish this bunch was more spontaneous. like someone starts a : make a song up but it has to be a polka. , or a Spanish jam, or a 30sec punk mini song or anything that pushes people  around a little to someplace new.  but everyone take a shot.  but have some specific guidelines to focus everyone somewhat the same.

think of the different perspectives that would appear due to everyone's different backgrounds and musical thinking. and no big productions, quick pattern some rhythm or wtf it needs and done. 3 good ole boys can play bluegrass on their back porch.  reaper can do 3 tracks heh.

or everyone has to use brass somehow, or a 2 part finger pick guitar thing but you have to use a bass..idk,  heh...the fun could be endless

even reaper games, like some set of samples to be butchered and put into the DAW ..heh matt pike muahaaahaaaa
you know what I mean.

edit: did you link that song in some form once before? seems familiar like I was thinking how awesome creepy you had going..this is reminding me again. but damn I listen to so much of y'alls music I get screwed up sometimes. edit2: this was about BA's song. I don't say that clearly heh. the Spanish jam is not creepy and I haven't heard it before .


I like that idea and am down.  I don't post most the stuff I do because it's far removed from stoner rock and most people seem to not get much out of the borderline stuff I post now haha.


nice.  believe me, I have been bumming people out with my non-doom-monkeyshines forever. i'm too ADD to lock into one style.
I want to take a whack at anything that catches my interest.

we could put together a more organized Spanish song too maybe. I have a whole box worked out for my Spanish/snake charm shit. I found if I shifted it up 2 steps, it goes right with your jam. it feels f# or b-ish heh. but whatever it is, I was jamming to your jam once I locked in. 

like for starters, may I request that you just put up the bass/drum parts of your Spanish jam. I would like to jam and maybe riff some, then put it back up for you to further mangle. eyeprod is good for random rhythms too.

and seriously, think of some crazy little music goal like if it was for the "RPS challenge mini crazy song" contest  (RPS = really possessed stoners)
i'll let you suggest the first mini song goal if you would like. i kind of want a surprise. i bet if danny wasn't so busy he would take a shot at the song requirements.
my suggestion would be a 30sec punk song, sort of to get everyone started on reasonably familiar ground.
maybe start a thread for each new song idea so it can hang around for a bit and keep its identity

i enjoy mangling covers of , well anything unfortunate enough to catch my attention, so bring it on.  it would still be awesome if a bunch of people took a shot.

I think I can tackle most any genre at this point.


Quote from: jibberish on January 06, 2014, 07:30:05 AM
the Spanish jam. great fun.  

Thanks jibberish :)  glad you dug my tune and that it sparked up some ideas  8)


Quote from: AgentofOblivion on December 18, 2013, 11:00:37 AM
I've been going through a bunch of my old/forgotten stuff and cataloging it based on key and time signature.  It's been pretty cool hearing some pretty gnarly stuff that I don't even remember writing/hearing.

This one was shortly after I bought my drum kit and was practicing making recordings where I played all the instruments.  Recording quality is pretty lo-fi and only had one mic to work with, but the riffs are pretty cool.


I must say it is pretty killer!  

this song is from two years ago.  very musical and psychadelic. Reminds me of a combination of Earth and a slower Kyuss bonus track. I would like to hear how you progressed along with that Floyd/Neurosis Jam intro, do you have any recent recordings, full songs?  


Quote from: AgentofOblivion on January 06, 2014, 10:26:16 AM
I like that idea and am down.  I don't post most the stuff I do because it's far removed from stoner rock and most people seem to not get much out of the borderline stuff I post now haha.

Quote from: AgentofOblivion on December 18, 2013, 11:00:37 AM
I've been going through a bunch of my old/forgotten stuff and cataloging it based on key and time signature.  It's been pretty cool hearing some pretty gnarly stuff that I don't even remember writing/hearing.

This one was shortly after I bought my drum kit and was practicing making recordings where I played all the instruments.  Recording quality is pretty lo-fi and only had one mic to work with, but the riffs are pretty cool.


I must say it is pretty killer!  

this song is from two years ago.  very musical and psychadelic. Reminds me of a combination of Earth and a slower Kyuss bonus track. I would like to hear how you progressed along with that Floyd/Neurosis Jam intro, do you have any recent recordings, full songs?  


hey, at least a couple people could get this started. 

everdrone. if you would have heard the king crimson catalog, you would immediately pick up on the like 1:20 mark where it gets creepier, where that big "bwam bwowm bass under that arpeggiated creepy chord is patented frippery all the way.  that's the shit that floats my catamaran. king crimson rules, even tho fripp may have bagged it for good this time. I need to find an example don't I...

Danny G

As for writing music one of the best realizations is this:

You are not the creator, music exists in and of itself. Be the instrument and let music play you. When you try to be in control of it, that's where the struggle comes in.

This has helped me thru 5 years of the RPM Challenge.

When I stopped 'trying' to do anything in particular and just went with whatever ideas presented themselves, regardless of genre or style, suddenly the floodgates were opened and the albums and songs just wrote themselves.

That, and weed helps too.

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


I hear exactly what you are saying chief. all my songs come in a flash of lightening. the work is massaging the rough edges out and completing them.

so you don't think specific little songs would be so good? I figure that being forced out of your comfort zone would be fun, a little confusing but ultimately I don't know...heh shit

for example, I was going to start a thread, which I probably will still do, and call it game song project 1.

rules: 15-30 sec punk tune.
you can use your own voice for vocals
you can use one non-official object as a drum/percussion..drum sticks not allowed either.
you have to play the music on one string of any instrument you choose


so in the shower, tweak the hot water off and on one time, and remember what you said when you swore at the cold blast, there's the words heh...idk, I want to go crazy new places, but if kept simple, wont be an epic chore

what happens when it comes time to write a Bolero?  might have to look up wtf one of those even is. then you  "ahhhhhhh" granddaddy trance tune made for screwing. fuckin a

and so on..heh

don't mind me. just looking for crazy fun.

Mr. Foxen



I wanna share the first release of my band.
album out later in the year.


^ some Sabbath flavored blues?. your band has a nice clean sound

did the guitar player mix it?  sounds like he did. heh

hey foxen, you have a borderline epic tune there. lots of cool sounds and techniques.  I really like it for being just a jam.

everyone must be in creepy mode these days.. like sliding doom over into black metal just a scootch. i'm all for it.


Back from July, just got the audio.

edit -

Quote from: Danny G on January 10, 2014, 03:40:04 AM

When I stopped 'trying' to do anything in particular and just went with whatever ideas presented themselves, regardless of genre or style, suddenly the floodgates were opened and the albums and songs just wrote themselves.

This is my everything to music.


Quote from: chadjce on January 11, 2014, 10:02:00 PM

I wanna share the first release of my band.
album out later in the year.

Some excellent shit going on here.


I'm almost sure that I posted my new track here... maybe I was too sleepy or mods removed it because it sucked :D
Here's the newest (final) version - boring as fuck but I like it.

And of course YT fucked up the cover and it's very light. And it shouldn't be :/

Danny G

I look forward to when I finally have an entire fucking day where I can sit down and check out each and every one of these links.

The reviews on each others' tracks alone is proof enough I am missing out on some really awesome stuff!
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins