100W Transformer Set, w/ chassis, tubes, knobs and circuitry $250

Started by Hemisaurus, October 13, 2011, 04:59:54 AM

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Quote from: Hemisaurus on October 13, 2011, 09:05:17 PM
So are you getting the 120's and the 240's from the same guy, or are you buying a set from Triode for now, and suddenly discovered this new guy.

It's all turns ratios and reflected impedance, most tubes have an optimum spec, which is rarely what they are run at, you see generic replacement Marshall transformers running from about 1900 ohm up to 2500 ohm they're all going to work about the same. Anyways grandmother eggs suck, y'know ;D

Whilst we're on the subject of generics, what's the cheapest 100W set you've found, and where at? I see $155 from Weber, and $163 from Triode, can that be beat?

I was buying 120W from Triode, found this guy 2 weeks ago. Got an order for a test set this week.

1.9K to 2.5K isnt too far off, Hammonds run at 1.7k for their JMP/800 clones. 88s are better higher I have found, I ran them at 1.9k and at 4.3k (current impedance) and I like the 4.3k better

I can get CEDistribution's Magnetic Comps JMP 100W for $135 for PT and OT + a $17 choke gives you 152 (user a weber choke and u can get it for 147)
I can get Hammond JMP 100W PT for 86.4$ (their OT is much more expensive about 100 bucks)

BTW Triodes PT will give you about 100 more plate volts than a normal Marshall Repo.


Hmm, the Triode bundle comes with Choke, so it's not far off, $11. I guess the advantage of CE is you can get it all in one place, or the other passives are cheaper, what are they like for axial poly caps, you know the Mallory knock-offs? We used to get ours from Illinois, those lovely yellow ones. I see they have them too. I'm ticked because I ordered the wrong type from Weber, and ended up with orange drop style radials rather than mallory style axials.

Well you can check the tube curves, or if you look at the older sheets, they tend to be a lot more handy about their examples. Like with an 11K plate impedance you can pull 100W out of a pair of EL34's run at 800V, if you look at the spec for the MM HD-130 xfmr, it's 5.5K plate (two pair) and running at 725V or thereabouts. So you have Marshall running them at 1900 and a low plate voltage and MM at 5500 with about 70-80% higher plate voltage. With that much wiggle room, it's not too hard to get your tubes within operating range, especially if you have multiple taps on your PT.



This is all very educational, because I'm googling most of this and making sense of it.

Is it just me, or did eurotubes lower their prices? Last time I checked, a quad of KT88s was 180 bucks... 6550s were 160? They're 148/140 respectively now, even still, any discount is a good discount...
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



I imagine it's based on the strength of the dollar, seeing as JJ are European.

We're not talking Greek y'know, well except when we start on about ohms ;D


Quote from: Hemisaurus on October 13, 2011, 10:03:21 PM
I imagine it's based on the strength of the dollar, seeing as JJ are European.

We're not talking Greek y'know, well except when we start on about ohms ;D

Just googling words I don't know, shut up. I have to learn somehow.

Soon as I pay off my gun, I'm buying tubes.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Hey, I was just bein' funny. Maybe you should append all the words you've had to lookup in Tech-Talk, or another thread?

save yourself some money. ;)

Chap's website is here.


Got a half chub off those clips. I dig this discussion, but you guys are making me want another amp I don't need. :-[
Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan


which begs the question, how many amps do you already have that you don't need. ;D

my ideal design is a little in flux, after I saw Sunn's 2nd gen Model T, but it's a single channel with a quad of KT-88's and yes it's for bass.

nevermind blowing your own tubes, I'd rather wind my own xfmrs. where to get bobbins, laminates etc?? wonder if it would be easier to wind toroids, single core and two gauges of wire. toroids are meant to be quieter and lighter, but I think the cores make them more expensive?


You really want me to take some serious pictures of that fucker's guts? I've got my brother's thousand dollar camera, I may be able to get some legit shots of it.

I'm really thinking once it's retubed and recapped, it'll do exactly what I want...
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



No, I'm not trying to clone it, I'm just curious as to how it's built. How many of those little tag boards did it use, I was considering doing a scramble build, but the more I think about it, it's probably more difficult to mount several little tagboards around the chassis, than one turret/eylet board in the middle of it. How are they mounted are they soldered to ground, that kind of thing was what I was curious about.


You dont mean the reissue crap Sunn"s Fender made?

I just got off the phone with a guy who wants a 4xKT88 clean channel amp for pedals.

The original Model Ts are very similar a SuperBass or a Fender Bassman circuit, its pretty much the same architecture with 6550s instead of EL34s or 6L6s and a larger plate voltage. Fairly clippy amp if your going for a clean bass route but not bad if your going for a more fuzzed compressed bass kinda thing.

4xKT88 with Dynaco esque OT running UL taps is probably the best PA, I would use a long tail pair designed for bass with possibly a 12au7 instead of a 12ax7 for maximum headroom their and maximum drive to the power tubes.

I would avoid tag strips and go with a custom build Turret layout, its a lot easier to work it that way. I have done both and making ur own layout to avoid noise and optimize the grounding scheme for a sweet amp is better than following an old design.


Nope, the in between Sunn's. Like I said, not cloning it, but it gave me an idea.

It's always fun to try new things, but I wouldn't do it for the ultimate amp, but anyroads it looks like too much of a bugger to get all those little tags mounted. I might use something like the Vox tag strips. I worked on a friends bass amp, I think it was a Gretsch, twin tube amps in the base of it, it was multi-tagged, it was odd to work on, bit hard to follow.

Think this was it


Quote from: Hemisaurus on October 13, 2011, 11:01:42 PM
Nope, the in between Sunn's. Like I said, not cloning it, but it gave me an idea.

Do you have a scheme?

I design my turret layouts on Adobe Illustrator, print out mask then drill and mount turrets. Not too exspensive

^^^ very pretty dual amp


Ah in days or yore, I was trained to do it by hand ;) Wish I could still remember how to lace a loom properly, make it all very Harry Joyce. Skills not exercised are sometimes lost. :'(


Quote from: Hemisaurus on October 13, 2011, 11:39:15 PM
Ah in days or yore, I was trained to do it by hand ;) Wish I could still remember how to lace a loom properly, make it all very Harry Joyce. Skills not exercised are sometimes lost. :'(

Ahh well I love doing with AI, very nice layouts like Core9s amp.


Quote from: Hemisaurus on October 13, 2011, 04:59:54 AM
...some might call it an amp


hemi. today your stupid deal is a neat little M-audio stereo-USB a/d input $60 with pro tools lite bundled. has mic power so \m/sm57\m/ friendly.

edit: otherwise totally lurking this thread...


You're like a week late ;D

I think it was the WIndsor, they're still selling it for $399 probably.