zvex fuzz probe and lofi loop junky

Started by Chovie D, October 28, 2011, 04:07:05 PM

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Chovie D

These are two pedals Ive wanted for a while now, but both are over $300 each.
There is now a vexter version of the fuzz probe for $219.
The reason i want the fuzz probe is becasue of the solo at the two minute mark in this song.
anyone have any experience with either of these pedals???
anyone know of any other recorded examples of the fuzz probe on records, not youtubes?


i can't see the video (because i'm at work and they block youtube), but i know muse used the fuzz probe a lot on the origin of symetry.

Chovie D


The Fuzz Probe seems like a waste of technology (probe turns the fuzz intensity up and down... umm, big whoop). I would rather have the Wah Probe. For 300 dollars and a bunch of room on the pedal board... (probably why you haven't bought one already).

What about using a Third Hand (79 dollars, and can be used on other pedals when you get tired of using it on your fuzz)

There is probably a fuzz that you can use an Expression Pedal with.

There are some older fuzzes that come in a treadle (wah) form, but I don't remember which ones.

What about using one of those big discs that attach to your knob, I forget the name and search isn't helping. Like a disc that you rotate with your foot, snaps onto your pedal (you can probably make this).
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


The actual probe part is a simple dealio, the french dude figured it out.



is the wah-probe, insert a fuzz in the second schematic for the fuzz probe, etc. etc.

Or pay $300 ;D

Chovie D

well its $219 now and thats why Im asking aboot it eh? Its far more tempting now.

Lumpster the big whoop about it is I LOVE the sounds in that solo I posted.
It doesnt just turn the fuzz up and down, the control it modifies gives it that squelching theramin like sound.

Theres a vexter verison of the wah probe too i think, I'll certainly try it out.
I doubt Id use the fuzz probe live, maybe, but my idea was in the studio I could simply use the fuzz factory and have someone turn the knob by hand to simulate the expression pedal. Lets face it tho, Im gonna buy this thing use it twice and put it on the shelf. :(

The loop junky on the other hand remains ridiculously priced at $350 or so and mutherfucker...they are going to stop making them soon because the chip is no longer available. i cannot even find a place that has one so i can try it and thats a fuck ton of money to spend on an effect Ive never tried.  i WONder if I could guitar center up one for a month and return if i didnt dig it? I need a dedicated loop pedal aside from my line6DL4's looping function.
Or at least thats what I am telling myself...

ANYONE have either of these effects? ???

GAS attack...


i had the fuzz probe and found it to be pretty useless....save your money.....i couldn't get a stable sound outta it...just noise.

Chovie D

Quote from: kirky on October 29, 2011, 12:02:55 AM
i had the fuzz probe and found it to be pretty useless....save your money.....i couldn't get a stable sound outta it...just noise.
1. nice avatar!
2. thanks...

the fuzz factory is kinda the same way, there's good sounds in there but damned if you can rely on getting em twice in a row.
and yet still, the fuzzprobe.......it calls me >:(


Hey Chov-man, I see that Tommy's guitar shop (in Everett) has a vexter series fuzz probe on their website. I don't know if its still in stock, but you could call and go try her out! They've always got nice shit in there.

Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan


well, if it calls ya then pick up the phone!! pretty cool lead wackness there, though - like a really starved broken tube amp :P. (oops, yeah squelching theramin!) But exactafuckindactly on the getting em twice in a row. I had a FF and never could so sold it. Probably operator error or sumthin'.
Tommy's does get some gems from time to time!
Man there are a lot of FUzZ's out there these days- check out Jet City Guitars site and demo's! (not affiliation)

Quote from: Chovie D on October 29, 2011, 01:09:35 AM

the fuzz factory is kinda the same way, there's good sounds in there but damned if you can rely on getting em twice in a row.
and yet still, the fuzzprobe.......it calls me >:(
"searching in the sun for another overload"


Heavyear, are you a local (NW) guy too???
Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan


ya sure you betch'a, bitter end! I live in Seattle. Whelp, out for a beer, possibly an Elysian
"searching in the sun for another overload"

Chovie D

Quote from: bitter end on October 29, 2011, 01:30:30 PM
Hey Chov-man, I see that Tommy's guitar shop (in Everett) has a vexter series fuzz probe on their website. I don't know if its still in stock, but you could call and go try her out! They've always got nice shit in there.


turn out this is the ONLY place anywhere near (half hours drive) Seattle with one of these pedals.
I may indeed have to go check it out


I've only gone in a few times, but they are pretty knowledgeable when it comes to fuzz and other effects. I need to get in this weekend to get my hagstrom worked on and maybe check out the new Dirty little secret MK II  ;D
Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan

Chovie D

They got the fuzz probe in stock, no wah probe ...i forgot to ask aboot the lo fi loop junky.
I will  probably hit it tomorrow (saturday). is there anything else special in Everott I need to see/do/buy/eat? worlds best sandwhich or record shop or something? Id hate to drive a half hour each way and then find out the next day that I missed the worlds largest boobie sculpture or somethin... 8)

If your'e in the store and you see a red bearded dude wailing away on a fuzz probe, come up and say hello. :)


Bargain CDS Records & Tapes is in the vicinity but I can't confirm if they're still around. That whole area is littered with eats but I doubt everett has the best of anything save for smokestacks. as for in stock, whatever is on their website generally is pretty accurate. 

If I see you in there in I'll def holler at ya  :)
Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan


Chovis, do I want a fuzz probe? Great for leads, but not much else?

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"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G


Chovie D

you probably dont want or need one.
I could only imagine using it in the studio and then ONLY for a solo.
Its one of those things thats fun to play for ten minutes or so, but is just not practical to use on a regular basis, nor would you want every solo to have this effect. its not lke you can juts leave the fuzz factory part of the effect on and not get that theramin sound when you pull your foot away. i suppose you could keep your foot on the pedal at all times and then have basically a fuzz factory...one that you would have to be rooted to, you might as well just get a fuzz factory then tho and even that i would advise against. fuzz factory is a fun pedal, some good sounds and ALOT of bad sounds, but too uncontrollable to the point where you just cant use it reliably..the weather , your farts, a cat walking by...all effect the sound of this pedal in unpredictable ways.

If my job in a band as a guitarist was to create pure noise or crazy sounds all the time...then yes.


Not sold! Thanks choves.

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"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G