Help finding vibrato or filter effect

Started by fallen, November 20, 2011, 08:12:43 PM

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When I record guitar tracks for demos I usually use my pedalboard direct and then model a clean amp in the recording software but on this one lead I added a virtual pedal called "The Vibe" and I want to see if I can buy a real pedal to replicate the sound of the virtual one.

The graphics make the pedal look like a Moog pedal and it's called vibrato in the settings. I have a Rotovibe and have tried it on both modes but it doesn't really come close to the same sound. The Rotovibe is way warmer and mellower.

If anyone has any recommendations for good vibe/leslie pedals that aren't in huge enclosures let me know. Thanks in advance.

Here's a sound sample. I'm pretty sure I was using a Shiva fuzz.



Prescription Electronics makes a trem pedal called the Vibe.  So does Lovepedal, but it's one of those nano pedals now.  EHX makes the Worm, which is priced right and can be run with an expression pedal.  There's so many, I'm sure more members will give you some good ideas too.
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I don't know if i have the space or budget for that goatkeeper... I saw that lovepedal today on pro guitar shop and it sounded great in the demo.

I'll check out that prescription electronics one. I have a fuzz from them and it sounds awesome.


You guys realize, from the front page, this thread reads totally wrong?

"Last post by fallen in Re: Help finding vibrato..."
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G


Chovie D

vibrato and tremolo are different effects.
vibrato is pitch modulation, tremolo is volume modulation. A "Vibro champ" should really be called a Trem-o-champ but its doesnt sound as good does it?

its really hard to hear the effect in your clip but I would guess that it is very slight and fast pitch modulation or troo vibrato.
Can you go back and look at the UI and controls of the virtual effect and tells us what parameters are being manipulated? is one of them manipulating pitch sweep?

"Vibe" pedals are not really vibrato pedals...its almost a completely different effect. Vibe pedals give you more of a leslie swirling effect The (dunlop) univibe does have a vibrato setting but its totally weak. The rotovibe has a "chorus" setting and a "vibe" setting, the vibe setting does NOT do troo vibrato, its more like a leslie effect. Now on the moog, (since they are synth people and havent been corrupted by the misuse of the two terms by guitarists..Fender is to blame!) i bet when they call something vibrato..they mean troo vibrato or pitch modulation. so im betting you dont really want a "vibe" pedal. But if you did , the best smallest and cheapest is the $25 Chicken salad by dano. Its blows away my dunlop univibe.

IM only aware of couple real vibrato pedals, tho I am sure there are many many more that I am not aware of due to price and availability.
Boss made a real vibrato pedal, now discontinued,  the VB2 I think?
BYOC made a limited edition clone of the is pedal which i built and own. Its really weird and cool but not very useable. some claim they get awesome chorus sounds out of it. I dont know if it could get that sound or not, the one in your clip...i would think  so.
The boss pedal is kind of  rare and expensive. im guessing the moog is the pedal you really want, but its huge and unaffordable.

clip sounded really good btw.


The "vibe" in the clip had a rate and depth and a bunch of modes called V1 and C1 etc. I'm guessing it was supposed to be some kind of leslie sim?

I've been looking at tons of vibrato pedals in the last day or so and it's pretty sad that nearly all of the ones I find are Uni-Vibe clones. They are good sounding pedals but with all the possibilities it's pretty boring to find the same thing over and over.

Going to check out that VB-2. Might be able to add phaser before a straight vibrato pedal for some interesting sounds. Also looking into some rotating speaker simulators.


My mistake P.E. makes the Throb pedal.  It has a 2 stage speed setting and a toggle switch that gives you Fender and Magnatone sounds.  One setting is really choppy the other is a softer trem.
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Chovie D

The reason most vibe pedals are merely uni vibe clones is because the uni vibe itself was a rather unique effect.
Its not quite a leslie effect and its not quite a chorus and its certainly not vibrato. Its actually a phaser that uses a light bulb and four light sensors to give that heartbeat like pulse.

Its a fantastic sound. Its that warbling chopping sound on Hendrixs star spangled banner.
But its not quite the sound from your clip i dont think, so I think your barking up the wrong tree looking at "vibe" pedals.

from your description of the UI tho, it does sound like it was intended to be a univibe clone. The V stands for Vibrato and C stands for chorus. on the univibe the Chorus is the phased signal mixed with your dry signal...the "vibrato" mode is merely the phased signal with no blend of dry. The chorus mode is what hendrix made famous...the Vibrato mode on a univibe...I havent heard anyone come up with a good use for.

You could email th developr of the virtual effect and ask them some questions. what was your effect based on, doe sit use troo pitch shifting vibrato? etc.

heres a good demo of the uni-vibe sound

heres a poor demo of a real vibrato pedal...the boss VB2

The effect in your clip...i dunno...might be something esle entirely or a univbie with some real pitch shifting capabiliites? I am pretty sure I hear pitch shifting or REAL vibrato in your clip but I could be wrong.


Thanks for all the links. All the listening to sound clips etc it's been hard to really tell what's going to sound best especially most of the demos are Strawberry Fields Forever or some Pink Floyd clean stuff.

It's difficult to imagine how the effect is going to stack with a bunch of fuzz from a clean demo. I think with all the help I am starting to see what pedals are similar to each other though. Just need to demo some stuff in person I think.


hit up a guitar shop and bring your guitar and your fuzz box and try some pedals out


The VB-2 sounds like some shit Blind Melon would use.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G


Chovie D

IM not too familiar with blin lemonm beyond their mtv hit but yeah its a weird pedal. not toommany people use that sound.
Like i siad some claim they get a goo dchorus out of it, i could not tho.
It has a ramp button or latching switch, meaning when you step on the switch and hold it down it will ramp in the effect.
THATS the only useable sound I could get from the pedal. You hit a chord, hold it and ramp in that vibrato.

Other than that it often does not have alot of pleasant or useful sounds for me.

The other pedal i forgot to mention that does this is the boss CE1 chorus ensemble.  its pretty great. fantastic chorus.
It was one of boss's first effects tho so its collectible and expensive now.