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Playing off a generator

Started by clockwork green, December 10, 2011, 11:59:45 AM

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Quote from: eyeprod on December 13, 2011, 12:18:08 AM
I'd say that some of you are just taking things personally and it's only marginally entertaining to read.

I tend to go by manuals and pro advice, myself. Then again, I'm a superstitious mofo and also do what makes me feel good. That being said, I don't know shit, but have played lots of times outside via generators and never have gotten so much as slightly shocked...knock on wood. Not sure if anything was ever "grounded" as per a spike in the ground, but who knows? Playing outside is fun, especially at the beach during a fool moon.

Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan


Quote from: RAGER on December 12, 2011, 12:35:08 PM
What we should really be discussing is length and gauge of extension cords so you don't get voltage drop and current issues.  that's when breakers trip.

How about this one? You can get them heavy duty construction type leads that are 30m (100 feet?), and are of suitable gauge to minimize volt drop. Avoid connecting extension leads end to end and disperse the load across all the socket outlets on the generator. That's what I'd suggest.


ok, well i dont want to be at odds with anyone here.

so i will just finish up.
i was meditating on the point of contention with hemi and i believe i know what it is:

confusion regarding the total indepedence of 2 power sources that are not wired in a circuit to each other.

there has to be a complete in-out path for both sources of emf to actually move electrons

now onto this other thing that still bugs me (from an electrical engineer with 20yrs of hands on industrial machinery experience perspective only) i would like some hard explanation of the benefit of grounding your stand-alone generator into the earth.  the risk is obvious. i pointed that out in an earlier post already.

"we always did it" doesnt cut it. that tells no one anything.
people in charge of things sometimes dont set it up right and the error persists over time+habit.
there is one possibility for some bad tradition
i really would like to know because i just dont see it.

seems the document authors also are aware of this potential , and un-necessary hazard.
Quote from: Hemisaurus on December 12, 2011, 03:38:55 PM
In other words a ground rod is not required and in fact may actually create a hazard.

i mentioned running a ground rod from the generator ground into the earth now makes the earth part of the ground plane. NOW if someone grabs a hot wire and connects to the earth , they will get zapped if the dirt has low enough resistance. i believe this may be a scenario referred to by that document. IMO the lady stopped getting fried when the stake was removed from the dirt.

anyway, i would really like a serious explanation. thx

...all in the interest of keeping us all alive longer...

Discö Rice

You homos  still flingin' poo over this? How many of you are actually going to do this?
Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.

cat shepard

. IMO the lady stopped getting fried when the stake was removed from the dirt.

anyway, i would really like a serious explanation. thx

...all in the interest of keeping us all alive longer...
The promoter is contractually bound to insure that the company providing the generator stake it.  Her lips stopped frying when she stopped touching the mic (which was phantom powered, there was no stake i let it slide i was feeling lazy) and when switched to a dynamic it stopped.
Forever Forced to stake by the man,
Cat Shepard

clockwork green

So when I eventually rent a generator I'll let you guys knowif I get killed or not.
"there's too many blanks in your analogies"


Quote from: cat shepard on December 13, 2011, 10:47:12 PM
. IMO the lady stopped getting fried when the stake was removed from the dirt.

anyway, i would really like a serious explanation. thx

...all in the interest of keeping us all alive longer...
The promoter is contractually bound to insure that the company providing the generator stake it.  Her lips stopped frying when she stopped touching the mic (which was phantom powered, there was no stake i let it slide i was feeling lazy) and when switched to a dynamic it stopped.
Forever Forced to stake by the man,
Cat Shepard

ok chief, you have described what you saw. i cant debate that, obviously.
i will do some research to see why this staking of a generator is mandated under these terms or w/e.
I'm very curious, because i really am baffled. it is either wrong or i'm missing some detail of electro-world that i feel i should know. btw, ya this is pure geek stuff now. but im a geek, so ..ya..