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I'm a bit disappointed.....

Started by RAGER, December 22, 2011, 12:20:26 PM

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I finally just obtained copies of the comp. we're on that was supposed to be released over the summer.  I'm a bit disappoint.  Sorry no link.

I'm not even sure I'm going to continue this band.  We've been inactive for many months now.
No Focus Pocus

Jor el

What Would Scooby Do ?


yeah, does it sound like someone mic'd up a drain pipe?


Lack of continuity, some of the recordings are terrible, some of the bands suck ass (subjective I know), graphics are just kind ok.  I guess it could be worse.  there is some good stuff on it.  Not sure if my band is one of them though.
No Focus Pocus


No Focus Pocus


bass sic

What kind of comp? Who put it together and where can I find it?


I got a comp like that. I've been in 3 or 4 of the bands on it, though I only play on one track. I think I still have all my copies too.


Quote from: bass sic on December 22, 2011, 01:39:22 PM
What kind of comp? Who put it together and where can I find it?

Possibly in the coming weeks there may be a link to something.  I just got the copies myself.  if I'm brave I may post something.
No Focus Pocus


In my experience (of listening to them, never been on one) comps are always a little uneven.  If you think about what they are, which is a bunch of bands all crammed on to one disc, its hard to see how they WOULDN'T be uneven.  The important thing is if you're happy with your material... which it sounds like you may not be unfortunately.


Quote from: chille01 on December 22, 2011, 02:06:01 PM
In my experience (of listening to them, never been on one) comps are always a little uneven.  If you think about what they are, which is a bunch of bands all crammed on to one disc, its hard to see how they WOULDN'T be uneven.  The important thing is if you're happy with your material... which it sounds like you may not be unfortunately.

There's just too much filler and some of the stuff just plain sucks.  I posted the track on here a while ago.  i think ours is ok.  It's raw but that's how I wanted it.  here is a link to the bandcamp where the track is.
No Focus Pocus


Cool.  I'm at work right now so can't listen, but I'll check it out later on.


Dude rager this is your band? Holy shit dude this rocks! You really shouldn't be disappointed I'm digging this a lot. Maybe not my place to say so but you should get your band together and get active again man. This stuff is good.
I am not going to lose another fucking child and another fucking woman, because of cocaine and killing dogs!!! - Ricky

Corey Y

The bandcamp track you posted sounds really good, I'm into it.

The reality of a compilation compared to the expectation beforehand tends to be disappointing, from my experience. The ones that are good and actually give your band some real useful type of exposure are few and far between. The last one I was involved with all the other bands sounded nothing like ours (even though we are supposedly all the same genre) and the mastering engineer the label used made the song sound fucked (I'm picky about stuff like that though). Better to save your expectation and motivation for proper releases, where you have some amount of control over the end result, for better or for worse.

Chovie D

you cant expect much from a comp. even on the best comps some of the bands will suck, evne comps from my favorite labels.

comps in genreal are kind of a bummer unless its a label comp.
They are padding for your recording resume basically.

If your disappoint with your own bands performance however,that is cause for concern.
Its not easy to make a great band or even a good one, dont be too hard on yourself an dkeep trying if you can and still enjoy it.
dton compare yourself to your favorite bands , juts do the best you can and make some music , have fun, etc.

thats my outlook.
Now if its not fun, then its time to hang it up, which is where Ive been at for a while now. i just play at home alone(with my dingdong)


Quote from: Chovie D on December 22, 2011, 04:04:24 PM
comps in genreal are kind of a bummer unless its a label comp.
They are padding for your recording resume basically.

You don't even have to include it in your official discography if you don't want to. It doesn't have to go on your permanent record, the record which will follow you around for the rest of your life.

I'm sure it's better than you're saying (I haven't listened yet) it's probably just post-partum depression.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


It sounds good. This thread must be some kind of crazy 'reverse spam'. Is that how the kids are doing it now?
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.

bass sic

The comp we were on all the bands just sent their wav files in. So some had good production and some didn't. Some were actuall really fucked up. I think the Lo Pan track was one of the best sounding.


"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Quote from: SunnO))) on December 22, 2011, 05:45:39 PM
This rules, Rager, shut up.

:D my sentiments exactly. Get that project going and on the road brother, shit is heavy.
I am not going to lose another fucking child and another fucking woman, because of cocaine and killing dogs!!! - Ricky


Thanks for the kind words guys.  Our recording is just ok in my opinion.  It's the whole of the body that I'm not a fan of.  Good insights from peeps though.  You never know how it will actually turn out.  True but there should be some continuity. 

If anybody wants one, I will ship them out for free in the U.S.  PM me your info if interested.
No Focus Pocus

the diddler

Quote from: hashbrowns on December 22, 2011, 05:47:48 PM
Quote from: SunnO))) on December 22, 2011, 05:45:39 PM
This rules, Rager, shut up.

:D my sentiments exactly. Get that project going and on the road brother, shit is heavy.

Ditto all them shits.


Quote from: RAGER on December 22, 2011, 10:01:10 PM
Thanks for the kind words guys.  Our recording is just ok in my opinion.  It's the whole of the body that I'm not a fan of.  Good insights from peeps though.  You never know how it will actually turn out.  True but there should be some continuity. 

If anybody wants one, I will ship them out for free in the U.S.  PM me your info if interested.
I'll pay for it if you ship it to Sweden, how much you want?


I kinda want a whole album of that shit...

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"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G