What kind of contraption is This?

Started by SpaceTrucker, December 22, 2011, 04:33:51 PM

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Hemi posted this, and Now I am in dire need of that thing at the 3 minute mark. I know its not a standard talkbox but goddamn If I don't want one!

P.S if its a simple build I am totally down.


It's just a contact mic, fed into a filter and effects unit.

If you have one of those small headset mics that come with cellphones, or computers, you could maybe try it, but I think they are electret and might need a small (1.5-2V) biasing voltage.

Basically it's just the guy talking with a mic in his mouth, and his mouth closed.


If you want a DIY build, get a piezo from Radioshack for 99c, solder a guitar cord onto it, and run it into an OD/Fuzz/Dist/Boost to bring the signal level up.

If someone has sent you a musical xmas card, tear it apart and get the piezo from there, save yourself the trip to the shack.

Video Tutorial


Holy shit, Thanks again Hemi, I owe you a beer. I already got some ideas but jesus, Fuck an acoustic mic. I might even make my own electric drumset!!


Quote from: SpaceTrucker on December 22, 2011, 05:10:44 PM
Holy shit, Thanks again Hemi, I owe you a beer. I already got some ideas but jesus, Fuck an acoustic mic. I might even make my own electric drumset!!
There was a piezo drumkit in Popular Electronics in the 80's, I think they called it fingerdrums, I remember building the kit. They basically amplified the noise if you tapping on the piezo's and tuned it to sound drum like, I think. 100% analogue ;)


Well I'm making a few, one for vocals, taped to my throat and runned thru a wah pedal. and another taped to my chest to pick up my heartbeat as a clicktrack. maybe do some kind of one-man band. Gotta love analog, all you need is an imagination, and a soldering iron. also, I might make an electronic zylophone(sp?)


^^My band mates and I built exactly this about 20 years ago. We were a kinda of progish band
No Focus Pocus


I'm going to psych route with this if only I could find a jazz drummer... Anyone from baltimore play the drums?