JCM800 - which version is better?

Started by hayseed, June 04, 2012, 03:26:54 PM

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Livin' The Life.


Im gay, I have AIDS. I wear big pants. I don't understand downtuning.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Quote from: SunnO))) on June 05, 2012, 01:06:56 PM
Im gay, I have AIDS. I wear big pants. I don't understand downtuning.

Good on ya! There's more of you Marshall players coming outta the closet every day.
Livin' The Life.


Technically, we're the same, Al. You play a Boogie... which is a Modded Fender... so is my Marshall...

Alan, you are also gay.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



I must be super gay for having 2 marshalls then :-*

Have to say I'm really happy with the way my 800 sounds after it came back from Flynn amps but will take the criticism on board, maybe I was lucky!
"Beige rock"


Im a former owner but I admit with pride that I loved my Marshall as I would Worthless Willie. We should rehouse one in a Laney case and laugh at Oli when he doesn't realize why it sounds so good.. :D
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



I will take the Marshall logos off mine and go with this instead.
"Beige rock"


Quote from: SunnO))) on June 05, 2012, 01:15:19 PM
Technically, we're the same, Al. You play a Boogie... which is a Modded Fender... so is my Marshall...

Alan, you are also gay.

Perhaps, but I'm in denial, so I keep my gayness hidden inside a 4-space rack case.
Livin' The Life.


"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



I have a Park by Marshall practice bass amp and currently possess my brother's Valvestate combo on a long term loan. That must make me a little bit gay, but not as gay as those owning JCM 800s or a Plexi.


"Beige rock"



RAGER is up shits creek, he's got it a superbass. Just about as gay and AIDS as it gets.

Marshall should wordfilter to gayaids from now on.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G


Worthless Willie

Yep, Superbass even has the word "ass" in it.

What happens between me and Steve Vegas and him and my wife and me and his goat is our own goddam business. Butt the fuck out. - Jeff Smith


I got a JCM 800 4210 1x12 combo with two channels and reverb.  It sounded great on either channel with tons of tones to be had.  Only thing that was weird was the clean channel was quite a bit louder than the dirt channel.  It was also a super damn loud amp and could drown out most other amps and or drummers.
I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.

Mr. Foxen

Quote from: Worthless Willie on June 06, 2012, 01:49:39 AM
Yep, Superbass even has the word "ass" in it.


Superb Ass

Mr. Foxen

I just bought two Marshalls. Christening them gay and AIDS respectively.

Anyone wanna buy a Marshall or two, both 100w, a 70s and an early 80s.


I really like my Krank Rev1,  it's built off the Sovtek Mig100. Really good amp if you know how to dial, and cheap as hell on eBay and Guitar Center used.

Though my dream amp is a 82' JCM800 with 6550.

Danny G

Quote from: dunwichamps on June 04, 2012, 03:31:52 PM
the 2203/2204 (aka JCM800 later in the 80s) is a single channel only model with the 2203 being 100W and 2204 being 50W.

Thats essentially all you can pick when it comes to that particular model. There are plenty of other knock offs tho from other brands to consider

This. Do not fear a single channel amp.

They are SUPER flexible. Run them loud and clean with a good dirt pedal, I do so and can also cheat a clean tone using my neck pickup with volume rolled back without turning off dirt pedal.

Or run them full bore and piss off the soundman, heh. But still you have a lot of room to maneuver with
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins



I like the Sovtek MIG100H.  I used to work with the guy who designed it.  My favorite JCM800 is the 50 Watter with 6550 tubes.  Although Mercury Magnetics transformers in a JCM2000 is no joke. 


I play through a JCM 800 bass version (model 1986) of the 2204. Single channel, two vertical inputs.

Does the goddamned job. I repeat, it goddamned does the job.
Hard Walls & Little Trips

Worthless Willie

"(aka JCM800 later in the 80s)"

The 800 came out in '81.
What happens between me and Steve Vegas and him and my wife and me and his goat is our own goddam business. Butt the fuck out. - Jeff Smith


and the JMP came out late 70s so the context "later in the 80s" makes sense there


I have a 2205 and love it.  It's dual channel, but forget about using more than one effectively.  Also, they are known to have problems with the FX loop that essentially render your master volume useless.  It sounds fucking great, but it has its quarks.  I got it back in the day for ~$450 and then had some issues that required me to dump a bunch more money to fix it.  It really cuts through in a band setting and can clean up well.  Our other guitar player has an Orange Rockerverb 50 and I much prefer my JCM 800.  His sounds smoother, but mine cuts through.  In the video below, about the 3:20 mark is where I take off the tremolo (from Eventide Space), or the 6:50 mark for a more constantly dry sound.  And this was all bootlegged by a chick with an iPhone about 8 feet from the stage.  Sounds good considering, I think, though not as full.

Instant Dan

I thought besides the cosmetics, the master volume JMP 2203/2204 and JCM800 2203/2204 are exactly the same.