How to make a new grill for a 4x12 slant front cab....

Started by kirky, July 27, 2012, 02:53:45 AM

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I just got a AOR  cab that someone had removed the there a good way to make one or buy a generic?


sorry to go on a tangent, but do you actually like the cab?

I got the head and cab together when I bought my AOR 100 - and I loved the head - but I thought the cab was horrible.  It was stupid heavy and sounded like arse.  A friend of mine said he used to have one and ended up calling it the "weet-bix cab" because it would expand when it got wet.


I've regrilled a few cabs in my day. It's as easy as stapling grill cloth the baffle. Here's a few tips for ya:

• Wrap the cloth around the baffle edges and staple to the inside of the baffle. Usually the baffle fits so tight, no room for staples and/or wavy fabric.

• If the grillcloth has a pattern that needs to be kept square, staple cloth squarely one end to the baffle, then the other end to a 30" or so chunk of 2x4. Then use the 2x4 to stetch the grillcloth tightly and evenly around the baffle edge, square the pattern, and shoot a buttload of staples.

• Invest $20 or so into an electric stapler. WELL worth it.

• Don't use window screen material. That stuff is extremely weak, unless you're a mosquito, in which case it's impermeable. It can also vibrate and rattle. Plus, it's ghetto.


I always heard that after you stretched the grill cloth you could heat it with a hair dryer to make it go tighter? Is that true or just a wives tale?


I was thinking metal grill but the cloth idea is good.


I would just go with the speaker grills like Liquidsmoke suggested. Mainly for a cheap and easy fix.
Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan


If you have no skills (for the grill cloth) you could probably take it to an upholstery shop and have them do it.

It would suck if you couldn't get the pattern perfectly square (or maybe that's hard to notice).

Like everything else in life, I bet there is a tutorial for this online.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Those individual covers can get pricey. I haven't priced them in a while, but I think they hover at around 8-$10/per.



I've covered grills with that exact type of metal before. Did an Ampeg 8x10 that I wanted indestructible after someone punctured one of the 32ohm speakers that weren't easy to find at the time. Worked great, but there's two things to keep in mind. First, it's a real bitch to trim to size. Second, use lots of rubber spacers and washers, or you will have a rattle fest.

Also, I just checked on that site you linked to as a possible future resource, and the shipping is a total deal breaker. I went thought the steps to order enough for a 4x12 (has to be the next available size up at 48" wide, since 24" will not even cover the speakers). Althought the metal itself is under $20, with shipping it's over $80.
