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Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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Quote from: jibberish on November 07, 2013, 06:24:11 AM
do you EQ out the highs on that channel coming in to the mixer or DAW w/e?  I just kill the top and bottom for mics.  that helps a lot.

I don't although half the time I'm in the baritone(?) range so I'm not sure if that would make any difference. I'll futz with it a bit though.


Finished recording our album, did my last bit tuesday! Now, mixing...


liquid, let me show you some sound theory wrt an equalizer for some perspective.

first a 30 band eq picture, also known as a"1/3 octave eq" since it splits the 10 audible octaves into 30 slices

ok, vocals are pretty solidly in the middle of the midrange. if you slice off the bottom 2-2.5 octaves and the top 1-1.5 octaves, you still leave the vocal range. but you don't blow out a woofer on a badly aimed "PUH!" heh and feedback usually starts with that lower pitched like howling vs the death shriek.

also notice the numerical values are not linear. an octave is a doubling. so octave 1 is from 20-40, whereas octave 10 basically goes from 12.5k->20k

my POS behringer mixer has a bass shelving eq at 80 hz=1st 2 octaves, and a high shelving eq at 12.5khz = 10th octave. mid eq is centered at 2.5 which is about vocal center.
those extreme registers are completely out of vocal range except maybe Mariah carey if you goosed her at the right time whilst singing.

anyway, those shelving eq's are pretty standard and are meant to just kill from there to the end of the audible range.  you would not believe how much rumble crap gets into the mic..mic stands need to be re thought. man do they ring at their resonant freq and a hard attached to the mic and right in to the mic, breathing, puh's heh and bump all that is completely not needed, so you kill it with the shelving eq's, well I do, because I am a fucking mess trying to be quiet, knocking into shit, breathing wrong direction, etc etc etc.,..

so you can pretty safely shelf the vocals. obviously you wouldn't do that to a cymbal mic, but you sure could still kill the bottom off.


Quote from: jibberish on November 07, 2013, 01:41:20 PM

... except maybe Mariah carey if you goosed her at the right time whilst singing.

Ha!  Video please....
Billy Squier 24/7


heh. I would be sooo honored if I could be the one to apply the little "mmm!" to that fine fine caboose.

Danny G

Looks like Ocean of Stars may finally have a bass player. Will have a full band rehearsal next Wednesday and see how goes before making a formal announcement.

Got together w/prospective bassist last night and she did great. Rehearsed with drummer n sax player on Wednesday to test out my loop pedal.

It wasn't the be-all end-all cure-all, but it definitely came in fucking handy. Only problem was hard to hear unless the loop was only thing going.

But now thinking of running two amps, split the signal after my main pedal board but before the loop station: main signal chain to main amp, loop signal to secondary amp.

Only problem with that is I have a 2nd guitar cab but no 2nd guitar amp...

Edit: now that I think about it, the loop station signal/amp will probably also have my original signal going through it as well... Shit.

Hmmmm. I'd rather create the loops then and there rather than pre-record the loops and play them as backing tracks

Maybe an ABY box before the loop station, route my main signal after the loop starts playing. But that's an extra fucking button to step on...

I will ponder this and try shit out.

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


The aby thing is probably the way.  Click a, record your loop, click b to play over top through another amp. 

I recently bought the RC20XL and am a bit perplexed with it.  So I feel ya.
No Focus Pocus

Danny G

Yeah mine's a bare bones RC-2. Curious about the foot switch pedal option for it.

ABY is probably the way to go. Or maybe I could just build a simple stomp box kill switch for that signal. But have it after the looper so I could have it muted when I delete loops.


Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


I have the radial aby.  works great.  I think it's called a Big Shot.  Iso xmr and all that.
No Focus Pocus


I am working on a similar plan except with a mute after the signal splits rather than A/B. One side has the looper on it (ditto). So normally I play stereo through both amps and loop only one side. Then if the loop plus direct is getting murky I can mute the signal to that side. If my looper had a mix knob or direct level knob this could happen automatically.


Here's some haikus I shat out for us:

Hey Stonerrocklives
Kindred folks in The Jam Room
Guitar through bass amps

Surf into a thread
A Black Arts Toneworks demo
Mark, I would blow you

Look, a fresh post bumps
New Gear Acquisitions thread
Lip: Can I have it?


I spit tea all over my monitor. Go to hell.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Magic 8-ball says,
All my gear has shit the bed
False Jake))) will fix it


I don't dig haikus
An ancient form of Twitter
Wait maybe I do

iPod on shuffle
Ermahgerd.. it's Jerthro Terl
Cue the flute solo

Love Jake's red Tele
I could use one more guitar
Now convince the wife

pardon my haikuing.. bored at work.

Billy Squier 24/7


No Focus Pocus

Danny G

Those haikus are awesome \m/,

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


'play something heavy!'

'play a good one!'

Is this type of friendly banter a thing in most areas? It probably wouldn't bother me if I heard it from a friend while I was on stage but in the crowd at a show it can get old fast. Perhaps it's ironic at this point? Perhaps I'm a bit of an uptight party pooper  :D


Play something heavy


We don't give a fuck
whether or not you like it
There's the fucking door.
Livin' The Life.


As for loop stations, if you have an FX loop and haven't tried it there yet, give it a shot.  On my JCM800 the loop station couldn't function well in front of the amp but worked like a charm in the FX loop.  This may not be the same for you because the loops in this model of 800 are designed funky and therefore the last thing in your loop signal becomes the master volume.  Regardless, it's worth trying if you haven't already before you spend on new gear.

Danny G

Hmmm. I don't know if my 800 (1981) has an fx loop...? Guess ill check Wednesday when Ocean of Stars convenes for a full band rehearsal

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


does anyone ever get the "oh no I'm the only one who doesn't have a valve amp" jitters? Of course you don't!

Going on tour in a weeks time and going to be following loads of killer bands with amazing amps/set ups, if I can hold up with my solid state bass head I'll be proud! fuck it! I love my amp!


I get those jitters occasionally but right now I'm more focusing on playing (and pedals ;D). I love older SS heads as well, been eyeballing a Kustom IIIB head lately. The only thing is: do I need to have a full second rig?
"To fully experience music is to experience the true inner self of a human being" -Pøde Jamick


Danny G



Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins



I have never dimed my Acoustic 220, not even once. No need to so far. So an extra full rig might be overkill.

Said full rig I'm eyeballin'

It looks purty.
"To fully experience music is to experience the true inner self of a human being" -Pøde Jamick
