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Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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For George L's, you have to use a new (or very sharp) razor blade. Cut the wire perpendicular and don't distort the round shape (if you use a dull blade, you can distort the shape of the cable). Be sure to jam it (straight) into the jack as far as possible/impale it all the way. Screw the cap on tight, all the way. (That breaks through the cable wrap and creates the connection.) Don't fiddle with the cable a lot. If you do all that, it should be fine. It does require some hand strength, and if I'm making more than a couple cables at a time, I'll rest a little in-between.

Try again, just trim the end off your current cable and re-do.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.

Danny G

No. Fuck that shit.

No offense to you. Just done with expensive shit with an unacceptably high failure rate.

At this point I should just solder my own patch cables.
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


I've only had problems with George L's once or twice, and I have a bunch. Once, when I was first trying them, and once when I was using a pre-used one that was old and beat up. It takes a little practice, you might have to try making one a couple of times to get the hang of it. They're my favorite cables because I can fit more pedals in tight places, low profile jacks, custom lengths etc.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.

Danny G

I've been using them off and on for 10 years.

I initially gave up on them due to high failure rate.

Gave them another shot. Fine for awhile.

Now have had two fail (one on guitar board, one on bass board) in rapid succession. And ALWAYS 60 seconds from downbeat. Never at rehearsals.

"OK, let me fix this broken one real quick." Still didn't work.

Fuck it. I was using them initially because there is a clarity they add to your tone. But they are too fucking delicate. My tone will be fine without them.
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Danny, do you think they're intended for bedroom giggers?  Do you think much equipment that is available is like that?

I ask because you're the only consistently gigging dude I keep up with, and I know you have had your fair share of equipment related problems. I'm curious to know if your experience is unique among gigging musicians playing 10 sets or so a month or more, and how much that might relate to moving your gear so often. 
Vinyls.   deal.

Danny G

Have no clue if they are meant for bedroom use or heavy gigging. Like I said they held up for a few years but starting to fail again.

If I cared about guitar players I'd ask around more what other people use haha ugh. (It's ok, I don't care about bass players either)

I can't afford to constantly drop money on the latest toys (music doesn't pay much unless I'm playing bro country, unfortunately)

If I spend money on something, it better goddamn fucking work.

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins

Danny G

Playing 3 sets with 3 bands tonight, 2 back to back at same venue, another not far but too far to walk/carry shit.

Should be interesting navigating these logistics. And it's the drummers birthday for one band.

Hope nothing breaks...

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


My George Ls are on a pedal board where everything is permanently fixed in place. I wouldn't use them in a situation where you plug/unplug pedals repeatedly, move the cables around around etc. Also, whenever I can possibly use a sturdier cable, I do (if there's enough space, cable is the right size or whatever). The George Ls are indispensable for me, for squeezing a bunch of pedals into a limited area. I don't have a fancy board, it's just pine (no slats with a space underneath). It's possible that the slats type of boards would make George L's less important (you can snake your cables underneath with no obstructions).

Here's an early pic of my junk, before I started using George Ls. Now I can fit like 4-5 more pedals in here since I started using them. My cables are now relatively neat, and out of the way. That makes a difference for me. It probably only matters if you have a whole lot of pedals. Most people probably don't have a need for George Ls. A soldered cable will undoubtedly be sturdier. I'm just saying that Georg Ls have been a big help for me.

Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Livin' The Life.


Quote from: mortlock on August 25, 2016, 12:01:05 PM
Anyone ever mess around with a 6 string bass. Been thinking about getting one for some stupid reason. Are they all active. Can you get one that's passive?
I use one exclusively. It's a Hondo Dano Longhorn copy that I drilled two extra tuner holes in. I play C to C an octave higher than a standard bass.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Oops, there are already a couple of George L cables in that pic. Since then, there's more pedals and more George Ls.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


I've never used george Ls for fear of what Danny is talking about.  In my opinion, you need a ass soldered joint for reliability over time, stronger if done rjght and less prone to oxidation.  I use the planet waves d'addario patch cables they are affordable and long lasting, howevet they are not customizable like george ls but they deliver everytime all the time.
I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.


UGH! After Psycho fest I can't shake this need to get back to making music with people. I really don't know how much time I can devote to doing the IRL, real time way.
Let it be known that I am VERY interested in any sort of long distance recording project situation as vocalist, guitar or bass. I would even do a fly-in for the right situation.


Vinyls.   deal.


At least I think I did. nothing in my outbox. Let me know if you didn't get a pm from me.
Vinyls.   deal.


Ruh-roh, Rorge—I just bought a Ditto looper pedal & I'm off 'til the 12th—this could be a seriously dangerous situation...
Livin' The Life.

Danny G


Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


I'm also open to `guest' on stuff if anyone will have me.

Danny G


Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins

Danny G

Lost another George L cable yesterday. This time mid set.

Bad news is I plugged straight in rest of the set and had no tuner or my bass drive.

The good news is that the provided backline was an old SVT into 2 vintage 8x10s so I was plugged straight into that.

Good lord. It was glorious.

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


update: its hard to record a big production video!  with all the audio and video sync'd up.  Its easy to write a riff or do a karaoke song.  but I managed to finish one.  Ok Im a little proud of myself, **pats self on the back**

I just wrote a new song, inspired by the Black Sabbath show I just saw two days ago.  I wrote it and sang and played the guitar, bass, and guitar solo.  Free download here:




Contemplating The vastness of space
Destroyers seeking out, lasers beaming through our minds
Im falling out, beyond my dreams
Death ray pointed at me, blinding light pierces through the veil
Im tripping out, slipping into oblivion

A sound of lightning, The high priest the coming
Im levitating, truth unraveling
A cloud of smoke, light form beings arrive
Welcome presence, intake erase

Given gifts of light, given all the eyes can see
Seven flying tigers find the key

The vastness of space
Im Counting down
Vanish without a trace

Danny G

Been doing an interview with Ripple Music via email.

Let y'all know when it posts \m/,

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


i got to sit in and play drums for anal butt. it was awesome.


Livin' The Life.


Ive hated chorus pedals every since I bought a vintage Boss CE2 and was never happy with it.  I kept reading how awesome the Small Clone was but never tried one until now, It is Awesome and so sweet sounding got one ordered.  What chorus pedals do you love and hate?
I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.