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The Jam Room Blog Thread.

Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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Tone is in the ear of the beerholder.

Danny G

Tone is stored in the Tonads.

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The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


This guy shows how to get the Exodus guitar tone (at home) with EQ's etc. I love the high, scratchy tone that cuts through. His channel has a bunch of these "how to sound like ____" classic thrash band videos.

Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.

Muffin Man

My Reverend whammy bar guitar is so fun, also, it's a "good one". Can brutalize the dive bar and it comes back to in-tune every time. Incredibly useful.



Cool. I unlike many others really like Diver Down. I hate these pre orders on these guitars though. Canceled the Frankenstrat purchase. Taking too long and the price went up $200. Now there an Alex Lifeson Epi Les Paul that looks really nice but pre order of course.
No Focus Pocus


I've always been a fan of the "Super Strats".  Fun to play and feels better in my hands.  If only they made a Les Paul with the dimensions of the Strat neck. 


Wife spilled water on my Big Sky last night. I sprang into action and saved it.
No Focus Pocus



springing into action and saving it, that is.


Of the group of guys I sometimes jam with, three of the four of us currently have hand injuries limiting our abilities to play for a while. My brother (bass) is having tendon trouble in his right hand. I have a broken index finger on my left. Our drummer friend has a bad burn on his hand too now.


That sucks. Quick recovery to all of yous.

My biggest source of pain is my picking hand thumb joint where the thumb attaches to the hand. Years of picking have fucked that joint up to the point where it always hurts. It actually woke me up last night it was hurting so bad and i didnt even play yesterday.


No Focus Pocus


the dilemma i was worried about just landed. one of the main venues in my city just put a proof of vaccination to enter policy in place. im vaxxed and quite frankly fine with the decision. of my 2 band mates, one is vaxxed and the other is not. he had covid last year and is fine. his gf is a nurse and is vaxxed so i dont think he is dead set against it but i can tell from convos that hes not into getting it right now.
hes a friend and im not his mother so i dont push my opinions too hard. however now things are different. this can and will have a neg impact on the bands ability to play out. we scrape up shows as it is. im sure more venues will follow. if he remains unwilling this will mean we probably wont be playing out. which is unacceptable. im sure im not the only person in a band that is going to go through this.

Danny G

I ain't fucking playing out. Shits spreading like wildfire in Texas, even among the vaccinated.

Drummer of a project now has it. His 17yo son too. Drummer is vaxxed, don't know about the son.

None of my dumb bands are worth risking the health of the ones you love.

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The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins

Danny G

I currently know more people who have it or just got over it than an at other time is this whole damn mess.

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The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins

Dylan Thomas

Dang man, that's tough to hear.  It's not that bad up here right now, like I know one person who has had it recently.  Last winter, it was brutal.  Hang in there, and I hope that things improve down there!
The fact that I kept setting my own boats on fire was considered charming.


I may have finished my pedalboard.  Now i just need Covid to end so I can rehearse with people and use it.


Still using a pedal tuner huh?  I really like the headstock tuners. Some don't like the aesthetic to the point it angers them that one would play live with one still attached to the headstock. I get worked up when I see drinks on amps.

Do you have any problem hitting your compressor or does it just stay on?
No Focus Pocus


This compressor stays on always because it adds a touch of color and grit that I like.  I have the mix knob at 55% wet so the original signal is still in there.  I'm not into the tuner on headstock thing only because I think it looks weird.

Danny G

Snark clip on tuners are great for tuning pre show in a pinch, but I always either (a) lose them or (b) break them

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The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


theres a music store going out of business sale this sat that im going to. not sure ill find anything but ill report back if i make a good score. last i heard there was an acoustic 4x10 bass cab there for not too much. its probably gone. im pretty sure the place has been picked clean. ill be happy if i score a pack of bass strings for a discount.


didnt get the cab but strings were buy one get one free. i snagged these.


Nice.  I managed to clean out all of the best buy's in Charlotte of all their Ernie Ball Bass Slinky's when they decided providing music equipment was an overreach and put all that stuff on clearance.  $5/pack.   Still have a pack I haven't used yet. 
Vinyls.   deal.


i dont know if a band has ever done this before but i suspect it probably has. im thinking of doing an open mic night tour and just randomly showing up at various places open mic nights with the band and playing for whatever their time limit is. just in my area at first but it could technically be expanded anywhere. world open mic tour 2022!!


Tom Morello does that as The Nightwatchman
Vinyls.   deal.