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Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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Danny G

So out of curiosity and general laziness I played the Paul Stanley Iceman instead of my main 79 Iceman for the next show.

Have had the PS since 1996 but the 79 has been my undisputed main guitar since getting it in 2004.

The 79 has a 50s baseball bat neck and slightly arched top and thicker body over the slimline PS. Have also had lots of problems with the PS over the years.

But fuck it, see what happens.

Was fine but felt weird and was struggling with it a bit. Still has some tuning issues, tho it's tuning keys (updated Grovers) felt much smoother and nicer than the originals on the 79 haha.

The bridge pickup (early 2000s Rio Grande BBQ) didn't have the same punch as the 79's SD Custom 5, but may just be the guitar itself.

Neck pickup was alright, tho neck pickup has been a long-standing issue with the PS. Currently have what I think is a 490T SG bridge pickup, because everything else ive tried (even my preferred 57 Classic) has sounded muddy.

With the lighting band mates didn't even realize I was playing a different guitar at first hahaha

Was fun to finally bust it out as Amber from Southern Gun Culture was on bass and that was my main guitar back then \m/,

But long story short, the 79 blows the Paul Stanley out of the water and I need to just change strings more often

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The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


If you'd have left that guitar in a trunk around here the tweaked would've sniffed it out and stole it. I keep hearing that shit every week it seems. Why leave your stuff in a car?  It's as good as gone.
No Focus Pocus

Danny G

Ordinarily would have had both on hand with spare in the case. This place was so small there was literally no room for anything extra.

Car was parked in the venue lot in full view of the open front door so felt safe-ish at least.

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The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Weird! An old friend may be the new singer for Smashmouth.


My condolences.

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No Focus Pocus


Actually, him getting in is pretty neat and a bit of an FU to normies. A huge Zappa fan who may take perverse pleasure in singing a Volman Kaylan song. Him  auditioning makes sense. For a long time I've said that his biggest shortcoming as a singer is that he has a tendency to sound like the SM guy. Some say the key to success is to take your weaknesses and make them your strengths. This may be one of those cases.


Today, I will finish recording a song that I have been working on for a while.

(posting here make the deadline real)


No Focus Pocus


Missed the deadline apparently.


yep. stuck on the guitar solo


My latest thing has been applying the same discipline and persistence to practicing vocals as I have towards my guitar playing. I feel this was sort of kicked into gear when I'd broke my finger and started doing karaoke to fill the void.


Got to ham with some peeps last night. I was the only one who could play drums so I was relegated to the kit all night. Always a room full of guitar and bass players.
No Focus Pocus

Danny G

Getting back to work here. Remote recording some bass tracks for Big Mean (ex-Love Mound). Later this week recording the pedal steel player for the Heather Bishop albums. Cautiously getting back into gigs as the Austincron surge seems to be winding down 

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The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Anyone on here using the Acapella app?


Vinyls.   deal.


Quote from: Pissy on February 14, 2022, 01:27:47 PM
You looking to collaborate?
On a few different fronts.
Doing jazz standards with my brothers. Finding a female voice for my Americana tunes.
And doing some heavier stuff as well, if anybody needs vocals, guitar or bass.

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I'm super pumped that we're opening for Atomic Bitchwax next week. They've been one of my favorite bands for a very long time so I am really looking forward to it. Especially after the madness of the past two years

Danny G

We still have your track on standby Neighbor. Crazy busy and it was just SXSW. But soon \m/,

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The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Great video. I've never really believed much in tone woods for electrics. The sound is the electronics, pups, amps, pedals.

No Focus Pocus


went on hiatus for awhile not being in a band and just doing career I am back in a band, I am usually lead singer that plays some rhythm so I am doing that again.  Funny how everyone is getting back into music now covid is over...cheers mates :D

I was just starting to get into writing for my solo project and getting gear for that to get ready for a heavy rock/doom/sludge type thing that my Orange Thunderverb 50 would excel in, heavy riffage type band like Down, Sabbath maybe I can do both once the cover band lifts off...still gonna make quick recordings, whatever comes out in an hour or two on Sundays most likely


bitchwax wow cool!  famous touring band been around awhile...let us know how the gig goes cheers :D


I've been playing the HIWATT mostly lately of course. Mostly through with this 4x12 I got a couple months back or the Yorkville 1x12. Thought I'd go back to just the 10's in the amp. Nothin. Had to re solder the plug from the speakers.

Sounds great but ya know, 10's. Then I thought huh what about the 4x12 AND the 1x12. The amp has a 4 ohm tap. Bam!! 

Sounds huge!  Fun stuff. Love this amp.
No Focus Pocus


wow cool stack!  Zepp tones and awesome stoner doom goodness  8)

Muffin Man

that is a cool collection of blistering tools RAGER has. I've been eyeballing Reeves for decades, from the little combo to the big heads. I could use a little combo, lemme get to that. One or two of the best amps I ever had was one or the other of a couple 2x10 open back combo's. frightening when the EL84's were dimed. I had a (original company) VHT 1x12 combo, could almost want that one back.


that marshall is a ligit museum piece.