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Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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Instant Dan

I picked up a 4 knob MXR Flanger recently and I have to say, I think I prefer Flanger more just because of the wider variety of tones it offers over my Small Stone.


I like flanger, but it's a "colder" effect than a phaser to my ears.

I'd sure like one of these multistage phasers, tho...

Livin' The Life.

Danny G

I'm going to name it Radagast the Brown.

Awesome \m/,

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The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Quote from: Discö Rice on May 16, 2013, 11:39:21 PM
So I meet a dude for drinks tonight, to sort of figure out whether or not we're compatible as band mates. Very soon he was slurring, and I just sort of let him rant drunkenly about music until he was too drunk to continue. He ended up having his girlfriend pick him up in a cab, which was odd. He said he wanted to write music where there was zero challenge for an audience to catch on. I smirked. He seemed to have decent taste in music, which is why I didn't end it there and walk out. He also said weird things like "It really makes sense that you like both Black Flag AND The Jesus Lizard"... And I thought "Yeah. Because I'm rad as fuck, dickhead." I didn't bother asking him what that added up to in his mind.

It occurs to me I might not be the easiest person to get along with.

Weird. Doesn't bode well if the dude can't handle his alcohol at the first meeting.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.

The Bandit

I am full on fiening for a Peavy Classic 50 Head, Firebird &/or (but really and) Mosrite copy.  And do I need any of them?  Nope.

Sickness is strong right now.

Discö Rice

Quote from: Lumpy on May 17, 2013, 03:39:16 PM
Quote from: Discö Rice on May 16, 2013, 11:39:21 PM
So I meet a dude for drinks tonight, to sort of figure out whether or not we're compatible as band mates. Very soon he was slurring, and I just sort of let him rant drunkenly about music until he was too drunk to continue. He ended up having his girlfriend pick him up in a cab, which was odd. He said he wanted to write music where there was zero challenge for an audience to catch on. I smirked. He seemed to have decent taste in music, which is why I didn't end it there and walk out. He also said weird things like "It really makes sense that you like both Black Flag AND The Jesus Lizard"... And I thought "Yeah. Because I'm rad as fuck, dickhead." I didn't bother asking him what that added up to in his mind.

It occurs to me I might not be the easiest person to get along with.

Weird. Doesn't bode well if the dude can't handle his alcohol at the first meeting.

Yeah. He was a little weird. I should really do this with everyone I start a band with - get them drunk, let them talk, find out what they're really up to.

He seemed a little intimidated by being the only one playing a pitched instrument. He asked me if I had any insights into playing as a duo (he's never done it). I told him "If there's no guitar player, you have to fill that slot. You'll end up playing more chords than you normally do. Everybody's going to be looking at you. They can't see me behind my drums. You need to be able to front the band while playing rhythm, bass, and lead guitar. I can give you a mountain to stand on, but you have to do the rest. Are you ready for that?" He said he was, but I could see in his eyes that he wasn't. There was definitely fear there. Also, I think it bothered him that I was nowhere near as drunk as he was after 3 beers and three shots. He was having trouble articulating, and I was just loosening up.

He asked for my number and said he'd record some stuff and send me a link, so I could see if it's something I'd dig. At this point I'd have a hard time saying no to anything that wasn't total garbage.
Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.


Too bad your way the fuck over there and I'm way the fuck over here.  I'm kinda happiest in a two piece.  I know you play some guitar and I play some drums so we could swap but I think I've been playing guitar longer and you're probably a better drummer.  so half our set would be like white stripes and the other half would be like Rush.
No Focus Pocus

Chovie D

Quote from: Lumpy on May 17, 2013, 03:39:16 PM
Quote from: Discö Rice on May 16, 2013, 11:39:21 PM
So I meet a dude for drinks tonight, to sort of figure out whether or not we're compatible as band mates. Very soon he was slurring, and I just sort of let him rant drunkenly about music until he was too drunk to continue. He ended up having his girlfriend pick him up in a cab, which was odd. He said he wanted to write music where there was zero challenge for an audience to catch on. I smirked. He seemed to have decent taste in music, which is why I didn't end it there and walk out. He also said weird things like "It really makes sense that you like both Black Flag AND The Jesus Lizard"... And I thought "Yeah. Because I'm rad as fuck, dickhead." I didn't bother asking him what that added up to in his mind.

It occurs to me I might not be the easiest person to get along with.

Weird. Doesn't bode well if the dude can't handle his alcohol at the first meeting.

people get nervous when meeting new people and therefor can happen.

I guess I need a name for my improv duo. I'd welcome suggestions
already rejected:
Singlecut Beersmiths
Gay Unicorn


How about "Gay Beersmiths" or "Singlecut Unicorns"?

Livin' The Life.

Metal and Beer

I know whether or not I'm compatible musically with someone almost immediately; the dudes I'm with now, we "knew" ten years ago when we first hung at shows and shit, we just didn't get the logistics worked out until a few years later, but yeah, I "know"

   I can't get that connection if I don't have that connection, y' know..
"Would it kill you fellas to play some Foghat?"

Chovie D

I like Gay Beersmiths!

I dont think my bandmate is gonna go for anything Gay tho..i was  kinda surprised because gay unicorn is awesome...when i told the wife I wanted ot name it Gay Unicorn she was like "um thats nice dear, I guess" >:(

good things  to be in the name would be:
youth(we're both old) as in Sonic Youth so its ostensibly funny to call us youth
boys(again, we're old) as in The Pep Boys
beer: we are both fans of it
improv: its what we do

so maybe the Gay Beer Boys Improv Duo or something?

fuck, I hate naming bands.

and yeah ,what M and B said...

Discö Rice

Quote from: RAGER on May 17, 2013, 05:31:14 PM
Too bad your way the fuck over there and I'm way the fuck over here.  I'm kinda happiest in a two piece.  I know you play some guitar and I play some drums so we could swap but I think I've been playing guitar longer and you're probably a better drummer.  so half our set would be like white stripes and the other half would be like Rush.
That really is a shame. So many good people on this board, so many miles between them. Drums are definitely my specialty. As far as playing guitar goes, I'm not as nimble as some, but I can get my point across. Would be a lot of fun to be in a band where I had a chance to switch roles. :)

Quote from: Chovie D on May 17, 2013, 05:52:31 PM
people get nervous when meeting new people and therefor can happen.

I guess I need a name for my improv duo. I'd welcome suggestions
already rejected:
Singlecut Beersmiths
Gay Unicorn
Yep. I've done that myself. Usually it's with girls, though. I'm a lot more confident about music than I am with girls.

Maybe "Uncut Unicorn"?

"Bris of the Unicorn"?

Quote from: Metal and Beer on May 17, 2013, 06:01:36 PM
I know whether or not I'm compatible musically with someone almost immediately; the dudes I'm with now, we "knew" ten years ago when we first hung at shows and shit, we just didn't get the logistics worked out until a few years later, but yeah, I "know"

   I can't get that connection if I don't have that connection, y' know..

Yeah, man. I'm with you. 
Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.

Chovie D

I once agreed to meet a musician I was somewhat in awe of for drinks... I got completely shitfaced I was so nervous and ended up making a fool out of myself.

I really like the word Bris..that could work in this bands name.
Maybe just "Bris"? tho "Unicorn Bris" is good too.


No Focus Pocus

Chovie D


Foreskin is a pretty good band name!

well Bris is out, theres some horrible swedish band with that name already...

time to google "foreskin..the band"  :o

edit: its fuckin taken!! >:(

Chovie D

that would be someone with ONE foreskin?


No Focus Pocus



No Focus Pocus

Chovie D

 we could go black metal : "necrotic foreskin"  >:(


I think you may be on to something with that one.

Your logo will be in a completely unreadable font, of course...
Livin' The Life.


I actually really like Singlecut Unicorn

That or steal black's dad's jam:  Screaming Negro Acid Rock
"Why don't you take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut? Why don't you take a flying fuck at the mooooooooooooon?"

Chovie D

I love "screaming negro acid rock", I really like "Unicorn Bris" also, tho i like Gay Unicorn better..:(

Im running a few of these by my partner...he seems reluctant to go for something provocative or too stupid...but this band is never gona gig i dont think so why the fuck not? who cares?

please keep em coming, some good ones thus far...where are bolt and sludgelord when I need their gay hollywood asses?

how bout "Beyonces Weave"? think we'd get sued? ???


well, you can't have:

clownshoe ballet
zing twang
Psych Odelik Trance  band

you could have, however:

step and felchit

Cobb Webb and the Spiderz

I C U R 2 E Z

new riders of the amalam


Drug Magnets

Beer Magnets

Limp Blimp

Livin' The Life.