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Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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Metal and Beer

Quote from: Jake on February 05, 2013, 01:49:07 PM
There's no way to make this sound polite – so, sorry – but do you use methamphetamines?

Haha !

It's a valid question, and the white-knighting with no experience on the matter is well-intended but ill-conceived nonetheless.
"Would it kill you fellas to play some Foghat?"

Metal and Beer

Half-hour sets are almost always perfect. Please don't go longer unless you're Neurosis, and feel free to go 20 mins. if you're an aggressive beatdown band (20 is perfect in that case, 30 = meh)
"Would it kill you fellas to play some Foghat?"


famd sets have rarely cracked 9 minutes lately..


Quote from: Lumpy on February 05, 2013, 06:22:10 PM
Quote from: liquidsmoke on February 05, 2013, 05:44:51 PM
Quote from: SunnO))) on February 05, 2013, 05:08:31 PM
Yup, depending on volume of gear coming on and off?

Normal/average I guess but most/half(?) of the bands have 4 or 5 members. Hopefully half an hour will be enough time between. Only the vocals and keys will go through the PA so that should help.

That means the show ends at 2:00 AM (I'm not good at maths, so check my work). That's too late for Grampsters like me. Can't anybody share equipment/hurry the fuck up? With 4 bands, the show should probably start earlier.

/audience member

1:30 unless the drunks still left want more songs and we have time. Yes going on at 1(us) is late but if the first band starts before 10 nobody will be there. There will be a bit of equipment sharing and one drummer is in 2 of the bands.


Quote from: Metal and Beer on February 05, 2013, 06:30:23 PM
Half-hour sets are almost always perfect. Please don't go longer unless you're Neurosis, and feel free to go 20 mins. if you're an aggressive beatdown band (20 is perfect in that case, 30 = meh)

Our first show set was more like 40 but one band cancelled so there was lots of extra time.

Discö Rice

Bassist shows up today and says " You're probably going to be the one posting from our Facebook page the most". I say "Well yeah, probably. My job requires that I sit in front of a computer all day, but don't let that stop you from posting." She says "Yeah. That's fine. Just make sure all the booking goes through me." I say " Come again?". She says "I'm in charge of booking." To which I reply " There are two of us. If someone tells me they want to book us, I'll run it by you and we can either play it or not. It would be a weird secret to keep. But if you're saying I now defer to you, the answer is no I don't." She: "I know more people than you." Me: "and?" No reply.

Am I crazy, or is that the weirdest, most unnecessary power grab ever for a two-piece band? I should have responded with "okay - I'll write all the music, then, since I play more instruments", but I was too stunned.
Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.

Discö Rice

I should also add; we have not played a single show in this band's lifetime. There have never been "bookings". Not a single one.
Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.


That is odd. You could just carry on regardless and take a booking through yourself when the time comes.

Discö Rice

Yeah, man. I dunno. That's kinda what I had in mind. This is not the first event of this nature. There are complaints to deal with if I do nothing, and megalomaniacal weirdness + complaints if I do something. I have to say, even in my old band where we HATED each other as people, we took on responsibility as required (as in; we did not unnecessarily demand control of a particular aspect of the band), and more or less trusted each other as musicians. We were a team, and we behaved professionally when it came to the business side of things. There was none of this particular type of weirdness. I'm thinking more and more that I might not be the right robot/plow horse for this artistic endeavor, which is a damn shame considering how much time, money, and effort I've put into it.
Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.


That's a bummer that such stuff stands in the way of the base goal; to make killer music.

Discö Rice's post reminds me why so many guys have a "no chicks in the band" rule.
(not that i haven't dealt with my share of drama queen men in bands. sheesh)
At Least I Don't Have The Clap.

Discö Rice

I've been in bands with girls who were sensible and awesome to work with, and men who were fucking impossible. I've even been the asshole in the band. I have zero interest in or time for prima donna behavior anymore. I want to write and play music and have fun doing it.
Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.


You're got yourself a real firecracker there Disco. Yowza.


clearly youre not hittin it..maybe thats the problem..tell her to 'book this'..


Probably terrible advice... but funny.

clockwork green

Which Acoustic heads are the good ones for bass? I've been thinking about joining a band on bass and I'm building up my rig.
"there's too many blanks in your analogies"


"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



I'm in love with the power of my 220.

We had planned 2 days of rehearsing/recording and now the drummer only can do 1 day. There's a reason we planned this a few weeks ahead... *sigh* We'll just see I guess.
"To fully experience music is to experience the true inner self of a human being" -Pøde Jamick


Discö Rice

Quote from: mortlock on February 07, 2013, 12:18:48 AM
clearly youre not hittin it..maybe thats the problem..tell her to 'book this'..

Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.



So I've been sick all week, basically since our practice Monday and we play out Friday night, going on last. Feeling better today than yesterday so I think it's going away. Will probably still be somewhat sick and drained feeling tomorrow night though. I think I'll be able to play and sing but the load in and sitting around talking to everyone for hours before we go on is going to sap much of my energy. Planning on wearing a mask so I don't freak people out as much if I cough a bit and I'll be on Ibuprofin which makes me feel a lot more normal. Will be drinking a lot of water too. Anyone have any other tips? Trying to eat good/healthy, get lots of sleep(12 hours last night), and taking my usually multi and D vitamins like usual in addition to some C.


Tip: suck it up.

Unless you have a fever of 104 and are puking your guts out, then maybe you can decide to cancel. Hell, I've even rehearsed while being so sick that I had to puke my breakfast out between songs. And it wasn't from heavy drinking the night before.
"To fully experience music is to experience the true inner self of a human being" -Pøde Jamick



Suck it up sounds good. A coughing fit while singing would suck but I'll try my best. Practicing while puking? That's hardcore sir.


heh, "Getting to know you" la la ..ya just more getting to know how I roll.   I maintain a certain degree of social cripple. I have to, or they would evict me from ohio.
everyone here is really valuable, to me at least.  so maybe I try to give it my best on the occasion I have something for the crew.

I can work on toning it down too. give and take. that's what greases the wheels
thanks sunno, srsly. 
disco, here is what I have learned in my failed real life. virtually every big fail boiled down to one thing:  "Communication breakdown' (drive me insne)
before you go nuts or have a real blowout that wrecks everything, sit down and have a heart to heart. write an outline of the things you want to cover so you don't lose your shit when it heats up, and you can keep moving forward with getting it all worked out. you both have to get on the same page. maybe you are crowding her somehow that is making her desperate to grab something to be even or w/e scenario causing strife.

fired up my Frankenstein rig finally.
LP with separately wired PuP outputs, each pup fed to its own amp and in lieu(loo heh, I love that game that bolt plays too, it is an awesome wordsmith lyricist game if you think about it) of the di buffer splitter box, im running the pre outs out of the amps each to its own mixer.
amps are mic'd.  stereo outs from both mixers and the 2 mics feed 6 channels of the recorder. still missing the DI signals in the last 2 inputs.
so I have 2 complete setups each run from the vol/tones on the guitar. huge sounding..i'm onto and sample soon when I get this coherent.
..LS, IF you are puking while you are practicing, for crom's sake have the recorder rolling !



Quote from: liquidsmoke on February 08, 2013, 03:57:06 AM
Suck it up sounds good. A coughing fit while singing would suck but I'll try my best. Practicing while puking? That's hardcore sir.
Actually, now that we're talking about sucking it up. Last night I got terrible bone pain (some of you may have seen the pics of all the metal pins that are in/around my leg), I can't even get out of my apartment today. I'm on a codeine/ibuprofen mix and they work but the pain is still there. No way I'm gonna cancel already to say I can't come to rehearsal/recording tomorrow. It's gonna be painful if the pain continues (it comes and goes without explanation, it's what the doctors call "that's to be expected") but no way I'm gonna cancel. We haven't rehearsed in almost 2 months I'd say and the sheer joy of playing bass through my full rig is just too much to pass up on.
"To fully experience music is to experience the true inner self of a human being" -Pøde Jamick


Metal and Beer

LiquidJon, man I don't wanna seem like I'm picking on you, because I see this complaint a lot, but load-in takes four fucking minutes. I realize most musicians are delicate daisies but christ ! "I hate lifting my 4x12!!"  Then become the singer, they never lift shit  :D

"Would it kill you fellas to play some Foghat?"


No worries man. I'm just kind of a baby about being sick. I'll make it. I still kind of feel like dogshit but food and Ibuprofen help a lot.