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Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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Quote from: RacerX on March 21, 2013, 04:16:13 PM
Quote from: black on March 21, 2013, 03:49:37 PM
My band has the word "Black" prefacing it.
I was trying to indulge in self-mocking.

I like "Red" though.

Well, at least you didn't use a girl's first name after the "Black."

At Least I Don't Have The Clap.


FINALLY have the new split record finished, printed, delivered, for sale.  Turned out visually better than I expected.

Instant Dan

Have a RS Hairpie '75 with 3-way mid-switch and BAT Black Forest on the way. Been looking for the Hairpie for too long.


Quote from: AgentofOblivion on March 21, 2013, 08:02:25 PM
FINALLY have the new split record finished, printed, delivered, for sale.  Turned out visually better than I expected.

Nice artwork, looks very cool. Who was your manufacturer? Are they CD or CDR?
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


My bass amp just died. Fuck me.
"My son Jack just got out of rehab, he's 17 years old and he got hooked on Oxycontin and I'm just a little pissed off that he never gave me a few."

Ozzy Osbourne - 2003


well that didn't work...
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


I'm not sure how much of this I've already posted on GD.  I was coming home from my local watering hole on Dec 2 12 and was, ummm, robbed at 2 gun points in my garage commando style.  Dudes were practiced and excellent at their craft.  Right after getting out of my car in my garage, perhaps, 6-8 young stereotypically ethnic men appeared out of nowhere like military special forces.  I was invited into my house, placed face down in my kitchen while my less cumbersome guitar equipment, computers, and other misc. shiney crap was helped out of my possession.  Next, I  drove my own car, minus my cabin rear view mirror, to a nearby ATM and lent them $600 USD, at 2 gun points.  They, then, placed me in the trunk of my Camry at what was an obviously pre arranged drop off point.  The green gunman says my Camry has a handle in the trunk that allows me to "escape".  I say something to the effect that I'm not going to fuck the situation up and I'll keep my head low for 5 seeing as how I don't want shot.  Experienced gunman shut the trunk on me and I start fiddling around for some sort of handle in my trunk that'll open it that I didn't know about until Green gunman announced it out loud. It takes me one minute to get out of my trunk and there is/are no one in sight.  Slick.  I crack open a New Belguim Ranger IPA, bought a sixer earlier and had it in the trunk, and walk to the nearest cross street.  Call 911 and tell'm I've been armed robbed and kidnapped.  Gave them my cross street location.  Didn't even finish my beer when PTSD, motherfucker, asshole cop shows up and starts interragating me because I've got a beer and no keys to my car, wants to impound my car and take me to police station.  Other cop (Good Cop wink wink nudge nudge) suggests we drive by my house to see if I've really been robbed.  Cunts.  "Which house is yours?" "The one with all the lights on and all the doors open.  There, see the garage door open?!"  "Oh."  Then the fucking useless assfucks realized I wasn't telling them a story.  The only thing that I can say positive about the cuntwhorepolice officers was that they did not trash the remaining 5 beers, otherwise they were bad police officers.  I would like it both of them die painfully and I mean it.  I lost much of my gear.  They did not take my cabs, however.  Obviously they didn't have room in their crookmobile for 4x12s.  So, they didn't get the Electric 412 loaded with Wizards, ;) Dan.  They got my Tradition LP wif super custom pus, Carvin X-100B with tubes worth as much as the rest of the amp, 3 computers, recording equipment, mics, tv, etc.  I haven't been able to yap about it really until now.  Part of my self imposed thereapy has been the purchase of the 77 LP Custom.  I'm rounding it out with some pedals.  Cops are shitty people.
Problem solving whiskey!


Holy fuck, that's horrible. How would they know you're a good target, and what time you come home etc? Inside info from somewhere? Anyway, that sucks bug time.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.

the diddler

where you livin' dogfood?  did you get insurance $$ for the stuff those assholes stole?


"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G


Instant Dan

That's awful, dude. Just glad you're ok. It's just gear.


That burglary shit blows and I would feel pretty damn violated and traumatized afterwards. Especially with the pole huffery of the two douchebag cops.

Any of you amp dudes know what would be causing a Sunn Coliseum to make fart noises when I pluck my strings? I have eliminated blown speakers by hooking my cab to another head.
"My son Jack just got out of rehab, he's 17 years old and he got hooked on Oxycontin and I'm just a little pissed off that he never gave me a few."

Ozzy Osbourne - 2003


"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Quote from: BrianDamage on March 24, 2013, 10:42:35 AM
Any of you amp dudes know what would be causing a Sunn Coliseum to make fart noises when I pluck my strings? I have eliminated blown speakers by hooking my cab to another head.

Do you use active pickups? Checked the battery? I've seen that more than a few times at the studio.

Mr. Foxen

Quote from: BrianDamage on March 24, 2013, 10:42:35 AM
That burglary shit blows and I would feel pretty damn violated and traumatized afterwards. Especially with the pole huffery of the two douchebag cops.

Any of you amp dudes know what would be causing a Sunn Coliseum to make fart noises when I pluck my strings? I have eliminated blown speakers by hooking my cab to another head.

depending on style of fart, cracked solder and bad connections will do it.


Quote from: dogfood on March 24, 2013, 03:17:39 AM
I'm not sure how much of this I've already posted on GD.  I was coming home from my local watering hole on Dec 2 12 and was, ummm, robbed at 2 gun points in my garage commando style.  Dudes were practiced and excellent at their craft.  Right after getting out of my car in my garage, perhaps, 6-8 young stereotypically ethnic men appeared out of nowhere like military special forces.  I was invited into my house, placed face down in my kitchen while my less cumbersome guitar equipment, computers, and other misc. shiney crap was helped out of my possession.  Next, I  drove my own car, minus my cabin rear view mirror, to a nearby ATM and lent them $600 USD, at 2 gun points.  They, then, placed me in the trunk of my Camry at what was an obviously pre arranged drop off point.  The green gunman says my Camry has a handle in the trunk that allows me to "escape".  I say something to the effect that I'm not going to fuck the situation up and I'll keep my head low for 5 seeing as how I don't want shot.  Experienced gunman shut the trunk on me and I start fiddling around for some sort of handle in my trunk that'll open it that I didn't know about until Green gunman announced it out loud. It takes me one minute to get out of my trunk and there is/are no one in sight.  Slick.  I crack open a New Belguim Ranger IPA, bought a sixer earlier and had it in the trunk, and walk to the nearest cross street.  Call 911 and tell'm I've been armed robbed and kidnapped.  Gave them my cross street location.  Didn't even finish my beer when PTSD, motherfucker, asshole cop shows up and starts interragating me because I've got a beer and no keys to my car, wants to impound my car and take me to police station.  Other cop (Good Cop wink wink nudge nudge) suggests we drive by my house to see if I've really been robbed.  Cunts.  "Which house is yours?" "The one with all the lights on and all the doors open.  There, see the garage door open?!"  "Oh."  Then the fucking useless assfucks realized I wasn't telling them a story.  The only thing that I can say positive about the cuntwhorepolice officers was that they did not trash the remaining 5 beers, otherwise they were bad police officers.  I would like it both of them die painfully and I mean it.  I lost much of my gear.  They did not take my cabs, however.  Obviously they didn't have room in their crookmobile for 4x12s.  So, they didn't get the Electric 412 loaded with Wizards, ;) Dan.  They got my Tradition LP wif super custom pus, Carvin X-100B with tubes worth as much as the rest of the amp, 3 computers, recording equipment, mics, tv, etc.  I haven't been able to yap about it really until now.  Part of my self imposed thereapy has been the purchase of the 77 LP Custom.  I'm rounding it out with some pedals.  Cops are shitty people.

Holy shit. You have my utmost empathy.

Also shitty people- the piece of shit thugs that robbed and kidnapped you. I would like to find and murder each of them in cold blood.

Discö Rice

Quote from: dogfood on March 24, 2013, 03:17:39 AM
I'm not sure how much of this I've already posted on GD.  I was coming home from my local watering hole on Dec 2 12 and was, ummm, robbed at 2 gun points in my garage commando style.  Dudes were practiced and excellent at their craft.  Right after getting out of my car in my garage, perhaps, 6-8 young stereotypically ethnic men appeared out of nowhere like military special forces.  I was invited into my house, placed face down in my kitchen while my less cumbersome guitar equipment, computers, and other misc. shiney crap was helped out of my possession.  Next, I  drove my own car, minus my cabin rear view mirror, to a nearby ATM and lent them $600 USD, at 2 gun points.  They, then, placed me in the trunk of my Camry at what was an obviously pre arranged drop off point.  The green gunman says my Camry has a handle in the trunk that allows me to "escape".  I say something to the effect that I'm not going to fuck the situation up and I'll keep my head low for 5 seeing as how I don't want shot.  Experienced gunman shut the trunk on me and I start fiddling around for some sort of handle in my trunk that'll open it that I didn't know about until Green gunman announced it out loud. It takes me one minute to get out of my trunk and there is/are no one in sight.  Slick.  I crack open a New Belguim Ranger IPA, bought a sixer earlier and had it in the trunk, and walk to the nearest cross street.  Call 911 and tell'm I've been armed robbed and kidnapped.  Gave them my cross street location.  Didn't even finish my beer when PTSD, motherfucker, asshole cop shows up and starts interragating me because I've got a beer and no keys to my car, wants to impound my car and take me to police station.  Other cop (Good Cop wink wink nudge nudge) suggests we drive by my house to see if I've really been robbed.  Cunts.  "Which house is yours?" "The one with all the lights on and all the doors open.  There, see the garage door open?!"  "Oh."  Then the fucking useless assfucks realized I wasn't telling them a story.  The only thing that I can say positive about the cuntwhorepolice officers was that they did not trash the remaining 5 beers, otherwise they were bad police officers.  I would like it both of them die painfully and I mean it.  I lost much of my gear.  They did not take my cabs, however.  Obviously they didn't have room in their crookmobile for 4x12s.  So, they didn't get the Electric 412 loaded with Wizards, ;) Dan.  They got my Tradition LP wif super custom pus, Carvin X-100B with tubes worth as much as the rest of the amp, 3 computers, recording equipment, mics, tv, etc.  I haven't been able to yap about it really until now.  Part of my self imposed thereapy has been the purchase of the 77 LP Custom.  I'm rounding it out with some pedals.  Cops are shitty people.

Dios mio... Glad you came out alive, man.
Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.


Shit. In what city/town did that all go down? Fuck. I'd be paranoid as hell afterwards.

And much of that reinforces my perception about cops. I got hit by a car walking home from the grocery store in December (I was in the crosswalk when some lady decided to give me a ride on her hood and murder my groceries). It really jacked my knee quite nicely, requiring a daylong visit to the ER. The cop that came to the scene was nothing but a total fuckhole. He couldn't have been more visibly (and vocally) bothered by having to do the paperwork. You see, I had called the station to ask them what to do. They said that they would have to send a car to the scene. Seemed reasonable. But when the patrol car got there, he was livid because apparently there are other ways to handle it that didn't involve him – I didn't know, it was my first time being upended and tossed to the ground like a ragdoll via a 3000 lb horseless carriage. Go figure. So he decided to take it out on me and be a fucking asshole.

The nice part was that he was morbidly obese and had trouble even getting out of the drivers seat of the squad car. He was loudly mouthbreathing/weezing the whole time and had crazy gross and scabby ecszema. Karma is real.


Quote from: Discö Rice on March 25, 2013, 11:50:59 AM
Quote from: dogfood on March 24, 2013, 03:17:39 AM
[horror story]
Dios mio... Glad you came out alive, man.

This.  Sounds like you really used your head in order to do so.
"Why don't you take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut? Why don't you take a flying fuck at the mooooooooooooon?"


you could make a movie out of that shit..


Sorry to hear about what happened to you.

I'm curious though as to why you seemed to have more favorable things to say about the people that robbed you than the cops? That struck me as being really weird


Quote from: Lumpy on March 22, 2013, 04:50:50 AM
Quote from: AgentofOblivion on March 21, 2013, 08:02:25 PM
FINALLY have the new split record finished, printed, delivered, for sale.  Turned out visually better than I expected.

Nice artwork, looks very cool. Who was your manufacturer? Are they CD or CDR?

I feel like an asshole changing the subject on such an interesting and bummer of a story, but so it goes...

Thanks for the kind words.  They are CDs and we had them printed by  I am really happy with their work.


Fuck dogfood! That's so fucking horrible, I too would be traumatised by that, I hope you had insurance, I'll drink my one and only beer to you tonight!


Wow, yeah I would be pretty traumatized after something like that. Getting robed is bad enough! Fuckin dick cops
CV - Slender Fungus