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Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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Why are you so angry? I just thought you might have a specific recommendation. 'Who cares what kind'? This entire forum is pretty concerned with 'what kind' when it comes to gear. Just stop responding to my posts if you are that annoyed with me for fucks sake.

One minute you are a 'whatever works who cares' type and the next you are bashing specific pieces of gear as you just did that Hartke which many bass players love and find very reliable.

edit: I suspect that the newer style Bass Driver DI pedal with the line level output signal option would probably work well for me into a power amp. I currently have the older version without this option. Might trade up. I have not had good luck running instrument level signals into power amps in the past, not quite loud enough. If that's ridiculous then tons of amazing bands are also ridiculous for playing so loud.

Corey Y

I have a Crest Pro-Lite 2.0 Class D stereo power amp and a GK MB800 head that's Class D powered. Both very good quality sound, reliable and very loud. Also have and do have plenty of big iron and tube stuff. There's good and crap in all varieties, no single technology is just bad or good. You just have to pick what finds the balance of your technical requirements, personal taste and budget, like every other consumer decision. Having not been in a full time band for a few years and having lots of time to record and play with different tone ideas, I've found several ways to get the same result. There's no wrong answers, you can usually always make what you have work with a good ear, a creative mind and some patience. It's usually just a matter of getting the result you want quicker (more tuned to your end result right away, usually more expensive), cheaper (takes more time to setup and dial in, probably have to hunt around for good deals used and be patient) or more conveniently (lighter, smaller, more flexible, all-in-one, whatever).

No need to argue or get personal about gear. It's not like there's a right answer, unless you're going to talk about specifics of electrical engineering. I leave that stuff to Nick.


Dime out poweramp, control volume from Sansamp... If it has the XLR DI, the 1/4 jack will drive a poweramp just fine. I've done it A LOT because sometimes I like a bunch of clean power for guitar (so i use class D and a sansamp.)

It's just annoying. You act like a lost sheep, and you have been "tone questing" for fucking years now. You had to have learned something or tried some shit without the advising of us buncha fucking scrubs. You will sound literally as good, or as shitty as you want. You just have to fucking try stuff. Blow up an amp, fry a speaker, it's all part of it. Something doesn't work out? Try another thing. At what point are YOU going to take over? Buy that fucking hartke, play it, if you hate it, sell it at all loss like every single person here has done for years. You have numerous times ignored solid advice from solid dudes, and come straight back here to ask for more advice you'll fucking ignore. So, i guess im wrong in a way, you are doing your own thing, just after wasting the breath of others even though you already had your mind made up.

And, jibb, you can eat a fat dick with your shit, just because you're amused by the same post over and over again doesn't make it fun for everyone else.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G


Corey Y

Quote from: VOLVO))) on October 31, 2014, 06:51:54 PM
Dime out poweramp, control volume from Sansamp... If it has the XLR DI, the 1/4 jack will drive a poweramp just fine. I've done it A LOT because sometimes I like a bunch of clean power for guitar (so i use class D and a sansamp.)

This is what I do with my Dunwich bass preamp or my Tech 21 Character series pedals for guitar sometimes. Dime out the power amp, use the volume of the preamp for overall volume and use pedals for dirt. I also typically run amps with lots of clean (or cleanish) headroom and use a lot of dirt pedals for gain.


Yep, it's a solid practice, Corey. How's your big dunwich?
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Having an XLR out available for venues with actual stages and sound people would be nice. I might just sell my old DI and get the newer type.

Quote from: Corey Y on October 31, 2014, 06:36:45 PM
I have a Crest Pro-Lite 2.0 Class D stereo power amp and a GK MB800 head that's Class D powered. Both very good quality sound, reliable and very loud. Also have and do have plenty of big iron and tube stuff. There's good and crap in all varieties, no single technology is just bad or good. You just have to pick what finds the balance of your technical requirements, personal taste and budget, like every other consumer decision. Having not been in a full time band for a few years and having lots of time to record and play with different tone ideas, I've found several ways to get the same result. There's no wrong answers, you can usually always make what you have work with a good ear, a creative mind and some patience. It's usually just a matter of getting the result you want quicker (more tuned to your end result right away, usually more expensive), cheaper (takes more time to setup and dial in, probably have to hunt around for good deals used and be patient) or more conveniently (lighter, smaller, more flexible, all-in-one, whatever).

No need to argue or get personal about gear. It's not like there's a right answer, unless you're going to talk about specifics of electrical engineering. I leave that stuff to Nick.

Thanks for the post Corey, wise and level headed as usual. I was kind of getting lured in by the Hartke tube pre but pure SS generally sounds fine for bass or when running guitars into bass cabs.


Quote from: VOLVO))) on October 31, 2014, 06:51:54 PM
It's just annoying. You act like a lost sheep, and you have been "tone questing" for fucking years now. You had to have learned something or tried some shit without the advising of us buncha fucking scrubs. You will sound literally as good, or as shitty as you want. You just have to fucking try stuff. Blow up an amp, fry a speaker, it's all part of it. Something doesn't work out? Try another thing. At what point are YOU going to take over? Buy that fucking hartke, play it, if you hate it, sell it at all loss like every single person here has done for years. You have numerous times ignored solid advice from solid dudes, and come straight back here to ask for more advice you'll fucking ignore. So, i guess im wrong in a way, you are doing your own thing, just after wasting the breath of others even though you already had your mind made up.

I'm trying to skip the blowing shit up part. Tone quest for years, yup, for guitar, but now for the first time in my life I'm trying to put together a bass rig for a new 2 piece band. My main problem has been asking too many questions on here and not Google searching enough for basic information(much of which many musicians are clueless about because they've been using the same small simple gear in rock bands for years). You're so right about ignoring advice considering that at the moment I'm thinking a line level Bass Driver DI into a Crown power amp is probably a good and economical route to go. But you go on believing that I haven't learned a thing from anyone on this forum.


I have no clue what you are even talking about sunno. i'm trying to get shit done. i'm not sure what your agenda is.
I do know you are calling names and being insulting here in the jamroom MODERATOR. you seem to be the only one slinging shit


w/e.  you do you. have fun. i'm not really going to worry about you and your issues.

Corey Y

There's so many great ways to get any kind of tone with any kind of gear at this point. Conversations about one type of gear vs another is just wasting time that could be used to make loud noises. We're really living in a golden age of great sounding gear. You can get so many sounds, so loudly, so cheaply...or you can get something made custom to your exact specifications, cloned from any era or completely new and unique. Anyone who gives you any bullpucky about using any kind of particular gear is just being grumpy and wants to argue. I've known so many cool people who've made great sounds with gear other people scoffed at, because they could never get it to sound halfway decent or couldn't conceive of how to. I'm not saying tone is all in the fingers (because acoustic sounds are boring to me :P), but there's hardly any such thing as a bad sounding piece of gear, just one that does't meet your needs...and there's a lot of ways to make a lot of things meet your needs.

The number one thing I'm always pushing myself to do (because I need the push) is to stop theorizing and make things. Think about, weigh the options, but put one foot in front of the other and go before too long. Try out pieces of gear, come up with wacky ideas, but DO it. Just do it and if it doesn't work, do it again a different way. If you theorize too long with online conversations, you'll circle around to a new idea and keep repeating until you never actually put the rig together. I've definitely been guilty of this at times, it's tempting to always try to find a way to reinvent the wheel, but if you never start driving what's the point?


LOL I don't understand why you think because people are mods they can't get angry, or have opinions, or post derisive shit. Cloud 9, fool, I ain't no cop, I've been posting amongst you fuckers the better part of a decade. Don't think a moderator title will stop me from doing a fucking thing.

LS, my point is, do some shit for yourself. No amount of advice or google searching will substitute for real lifr experiences with the equipment. I've sounded like absolute dogshit with tight equipment, and amazing with bullshit equipment. All experimenting. I've bought, broken, and sold so much shit.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Quote from: jibberish on October 31, 2014, 02:56:09 AM
^ there it is in the last pic..theee bass cab.
ps get that iceman off the floor before someone steps on it

band name idea:     filthy muslin scumbags

and guest starring:  I slam you slam

Mortay, you up for it? we dress like  jihadji babas and burka boys( and girls if we are lucky enough to recruit wimmens)

we sell little sand bags with our band logo as merch and other very creative merch

IED candy, is like a box of chocolates, you never know which one has the dave's insanity sauce in it.

edit:  I keep hearing that class D amps are stable into low freq reactive loads. they just cant push mega current.
the idea of 1000+watts in a 10 pound package is really nice tho.
I purposely did not buy class d because I don't know how I will load these amps as I use them.
but if I know I was only running 4-8 ohms always, I sure would have had some by now. the amps I have all weigh more like 30-40#. this is a drag at times.

carvin makes nice guitars.  I got to check a high school buddy's carvin out. I liked it.
no one loves religion bashing more than me. im in. i love the idea of the ied candy. fucking wish i thought of that for halloween tonight. damn it..


I'm definitely all about the sound itself, no matter how it's created. All we are doing is moving air.

I do plenty myself, I just don't like buying completely wrong gear and I've done too much of that already.


liquidsmoke..what is the new 2-pc band like?? what are you guys going for soundwise??

Danny G

Ugh. Here's a situation.

Booked to play with Adrian and the Sickness in San Angelo next Friday. Have been approached by a reputable red dirt artist who needs a bass player. Great pay, pro as fuck.

Turns out current bassist getting shitcanned after tonight's gig. They need someone for next Friday.

I'm booked, Adrian doesn't have a sub. Red dirt artist has another candidate who can do the show. If he does well, the gig may be his.

I can't miss that opportunity, and Adrian doesn't have a sub. I don't want to fuck her out of a show, but can't lose this opportunity either.

Sending red dirt artist videos of me playing live to sweeten the deal even if I can't make their show next Friday. They want a rocker, and the video evidence I am providing is proof-positive that rocking is what I fucking do.

Trying to use that to secure my spot with them, and still do Adrian's show.

Wrangling this situation shortly before heading to a venue to play. #stress

Fingers. Fucking. Crossed.

The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


not to sound all harsh but look out for yourself. Adrian will have to understand.. its all business, nothing personal..


 any chance of juggling stage times and do both?


ok picture this mortay:

the wildly happening dirty muslin show hits a mid show break. we throw out surprise IED merch:
rolled up dirty muslin shirts. except we tell the crowd

"one of the shirts has a $100 bill rolled up in it and one has a big pissed off black widow rolled up in it.......


edit: I kind of need to do a bulk shorty, like 3' maybe, 1/4" cable buy. I am short on cables again.
buying them at $5+ would be a ton of cash. I would rather buy them at $1.39 or something for 100 or w/e


Quote from: mortlock on October 31, 2014, 08:50:48 PM
liquidsmoke..what is the new 2-pc band like?? what are you guys going for soundwise??

F# baritone into hyper/super fuzzes and drums, no vocals. Doom/stoner metal, nothing new or innovative at all. More stoner than Orogen for sure. Kind of Electric Wizard meets TAOSD HOF maybe. I just want to play heavy riffs. We should have a rough demo of one song up online in the next couple of weeks.


Jib, I've got 200 feet of instrument cable around here somewhere. You can have it if you front shopping. Then just order ends.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Quote from: liquidsmoke on November 01, 2014, 05:02:26 AM
Quote from: mortlock on October 31, 2014, 08:50:48 PM
liquidsmoke..what is the new 2-pc band like?? what are you guys going for soundwise??

F# baritone into hyper/super fuzzes and drums, no vocals. Doom/stoner metal, nothing new or innovative at all. More stoner than Orogen for sure. Kind of Electric Wizard meets TAOSD HOF maybe. I just want to play heavy riffs. We should have a rough demo of one song up online in the next couple of weeks.
sounds cool.. def want to check it out. ive often thought about doing a 2-pc and every time ive had a jam I end up feeling like its a raw demo recording missing the guitar tracks. ive always found it super hard to get any depth into the music with out the interplay of an additional stringed instrument wether it be guitar or another bass.. probably has more to do with me being a very 'foundational' bassist. I don't get too fancy with my playing..


Quote from: VOLVO))) on November 01, 2014, 06:50:25 AM
Jib, I've got 200 feet of instrument cable around here somewhere. You can have it if you front shopping. Then just order ends.

that's very kind. let me do some shopping for ends and bulk assembled ones to scope the range and see what my best play is first.


what a day.  busy with basically zero sleep. I spent too much time all last night fucking with that lexicon reverb.  I'm repeating myself, but I never had such a clean sounding gadget.
I must have just dicked with the "large church" patch for 2 hours alone. 2700ms decay time haha. I never heard such shit. I ran everything but the kitchen sink thru that.
the fuzz just compounds the sickness, so I ran everything I could find that was cool with distortion thru the large church all over again 


eat...sleep....sleep more....


Quote from: mortlock on November 01, 2014, 02:15:24 PM
sounds cool.. def want to check it out. ive often thought about doing a 2-pc and every time ive had a jam I end up feeling like its a raw demo recording missing the guitar tracks. ive always found it super hard to get any depth into the music with out the interplay of an additional stringed instrument wether it be guitar or another bass.. probably has more to do with me being a very 'foundational' bassist. I don't get too fancy with my playing..

I hear ya there. Before you jam do you have some bass parts of songs partially done? I generally write songs on guitar on my own before playing them with bandmates because I am much more productive that way. My thinking with this band is that if the riffs are good enough the minimalism will be a good thing. I want to try to make the next round of songs more dynamic and complex but out of the gate I just went for super heavy. Southern WI has a number of new heavy 2 piece bands, most of whom I'm friends with. It's all sounding promising and I'm very much looking forward to hearing the next batch of songs from them.


I always just wing everything. those situations for me are extremely rare so no real prep goes in.. I hope you get something solid. what are the names of the bands in your area there you are referring to??


ive been experiencing wrist and forearm pain recently. it seems to be mostly at the top of the wrist and it especially hurts when I bend my wrist up or down. I know its from playing bass. I try and warm up and stretch but its weird ive had lingering pain for a few weeks now, and I really haven't played much. I feel like it got worse since the hernia surg while ive had a period of not playing much..


remember to build yourself back up.  you might have stopped playing for awhile or not as intensely because of your surgery.  use a timer and only play for 30-45 minutes and then take a 4 minute break.  if you cant play that long, then play 20 minutes or so and add another 10 minutes every so often.  make sure your diet and stretching and excercise routines are right. maybe a specialist would help further or you just need to rest a few weeks and then build up.

good luck!


Quote from: mortlock on November 02, 2014, 08:13:25 PM
I always just wing everything. those situations for me are extremely rare so no real prep goes in.. I hope you get something solid. what are the names of the bands in your area there you are referring to??

Dos Males- Bongzilla singer/guitar player

Serpent Lung- bass, instrumental so far

Galactic Hatchet- Vega bass player, instrumental

Another guitar 2 piece is in the works which I've been told is more Celtic Frost/black metal sounding but I probably shouldn't say too much about that yet.

Also I think Aquilonion is going to be playing out again.