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Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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I've wasted the past two or three years being depressed about the demise of SANDIA MAN & hiding out behind a wall of smoke, and I'm fucking over it. SANDIA MAN is dead, and I'm done grieving about that and the ruined personal relationships that went along with it.

Today I started writing material for a new, HEAVY project. I don't know whether or not to involve other musicians or try a solo thing, but I do know I gotta get rolling on this.
Livin' The Life.


Quote from: RacerX on October 17, 2018, 04:57:02 PM
I've wasted the past two or three years being depressed about the demise of SANDIA MAN & hiding out behind a wall of smoke, and I'm fucking over it. SANDIA MAN is dead, and I'm done grieving about that and the ruined personal relationships that went along with it.

Today I started writing material for a new, HEAVY project. I don't know whether or not to involve other musicians or try a solo thing, but I do know I gotta get rolling on this.
fuck yeah man. good to hear.


Drummer of my work-in-progress heavy psych two-piece showed up belligerently drunk like he does every other practice. In between not being able to hold a fucking beat he proceeds to rant about how any song longer than 2 minutes is too long, how he's really a "Beatles guy" and how we need to think about appealing to "the masses".

This is the same douchebag who *needs* us to tune to 432hz reference because of spiritual enlightenment. (We also need to play while bathed in red lighting, because of something to do with the heart chakra...)

Time to pull the plug.


Musicians are flakes (he said, flakily).
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


I've been hearing an octave fuzz in my new material, but didn't have one.

Just took delivery of an Earthquake Devices Fuzz Master General; now preparing to run it through its paces.

Will report back.
Livin' The Life.



My band just put out a promo video for our upcoming album... Thought you guys might appreciate it:


Was at a show tonight and someone knocked their Green Matamp off of a 2x12. Part of me died a little inside... Didn't look like it was going to make sound again that show, but at least the chassis was intact.


Are there other artists doing this sort of "package deal" on signature models?


i came across this place and was wondering if anyone here has any experience with it.

i can get a fake copy of my dream bass. a wal mk1. prob get it for like $600 as opposed to the real thing which would run well over $6000 which aint happening.

anyone know anything about this place?


Hmm... WHOIS result comes back with an actual person in California, but Googling the name comes back with some iffy threads of people generally not liking the idea - not much in the way of real results or photos.


We were going to play our first show this Saturday but it got cancelled. I forgot about how fucking anxious I get, like waking up at 5am going "OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK" level pre-stage fright anxiety. I'm relieved and disappointed. We're playing Stone Cold Crazy and I can barely handle it, gotta leave out some notes if we take it above 105bpm.... I'm working on it!


I got onto a big show in April and starting to feel some pressure. In my experience, the best way to combat the anxiety is more cowbell practice.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.



Quote from: Lumpy on February 28, 2019, 12:32:16 AM
I got onto a big show in April and starting to feel some pressure. In my experience, the best way to combat the anxiety is more cowbell practice.

Yeah, that's the plan. I've got it up to 110!


Fuck!  I missed out on this 77-78 cab today with black backs. Goddammit!  Was gonna go nab it this morning.

No Focus Pocus


1000 dollars for a "Marshall canb" - why so expensive?
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Quote from: Lumpy on March 05, 2019, 11:39:21 AM
1000 dollars for a "Marshall canb" - why so expensive?
you think pink fur is cheap?


It's not a regular cab. It's a canb. But really m super disappointed. It's not a 69 like my head and top cab. But it'll do. I'd pull the speakers if I found a 69 and put them in that.
No Focus Pocus


First time playing an instrument in front of a live audience in about 15 years tonight \m/

I'll let you know how it went


No Focus Pocus


Quote from: renfield on March 09, 2019, 08:44:15 PM
First time playing an instrument in front of a live audience in about 15 years tonight \m/

I'll let you know how it went
pics or it didnt happen.


Wild time. This was behind an apartment building in Inglewood. I heard somebody yell at their neighbor for having the radio on too loud. Good thing we're scheduled first because the cops are definitely going to come and make us stop, right?

I got there first and unloaded and started thinking...hmm.. there's no lights, no PA, no nothing.

I guess somebody was supposed to show up with this stuff. I happened to have a few packs of christmas tree lights in my car which turned out to be a lifesaver. We stalled and played made up bullshit waiting for PA to show up so we could play our actual songs with singing. Never happened, so we did them as instrumentals. People danced and grooved, I had a fucking blast, fucked up more than I would have liked but oh well. The subsequent bands didn't even bother to play and the party kinda dissolved after our set.

Actual song:

Just fucking around:


"This video is unavailable."


I changed it from Private to Unlisted, try again?