Show us your electronic instrumentation yay

Started by jibberish, April 04, 2013, 01:33:16 AM

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I drooled enough in the guitar thread. I need to spread it around more. all you noise people like morty and all you psych people , hawkwind worshippers etc etc., make me even more jealous.
I will edit in something to show here when I get it together.


I keep meaning to put my old Slowvent stuff on Youtube and create a Bandcamp for it.

Discö Rice

Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.


Man, I've spent decades just trying to figure out how to manipulate six strings. You cats are into some straight up NASA-style action.

At Least I Don't Have The Clap.


heres some of my synth a few more that are not pictured here. im addicted to table top synths. I also use this as moog. MOOGMUTILATINGPOWERELECTRONICS

check out the stuff in action here..

Chovie D

Quote from: black on April 04, 2013, 12:32:26 PM
Man, I've spent decades just trying to figure out how to manipulate six strings. You cats are into some straight up NASA-style action.


not so respect deserved here. I just use the presets... 8)

For a while I tried to get into actual sound learning to take a waveform and make it sound like a flute type shit....
I couldnt get into it, and eventually gave up on that, too many variables and abstractions.

Lumpy has a nice noise board...hope he posts it


Hey, just the fact you can figure out which one of those gizmos is the ON switch gets respect from me.

Mortlocks pedal action reminds me of Helios Creed. Seemed like he had every box he could lay his hands on, all chained together and cranked up at the same time.

I'm a fan of the noise guys/bands. There's a fairly strong local scene of that here and it's always a blast to check out.
At Least I Don't Have The Clap.

Chovie D

Helios CReeds board (not sur how old this pic is?)

Discö Rice

I don't use the presets, other than as a starting point/object to mangle (and believe me you can mangle it to bejeezus and back). Most of the original presets on the MS2000 were not the kinds of sounds I'd ever use. However, you can really take a sound all the way down to the bare wave and build it up from there, making it do all manner of clever, weirdo, hideous things.

I guess it has a pretty great electric piano sound, which is the only preset I dig enough to almost leave it alone. I'm sure Chovie's device has better presets, or at least a lot more of them, meaning there are more useful sounds available, which is fine for a good stock bass, electric piano, flute, or organ sound. To me, though, most of the fun lies in creating your own sounds with these kinds of devices.

Side note:  For a few years after the MS2000 came out, I kept hearing the stock patches showing up in songs I heard on the radio. In each of the banks (A-H) there's at least one throw-away sound like a jet engine, or a telephone ringing, or static-y alien voices speaking in weird monotone. I'd be listening to the radio, and bam, there it was: a completely unaltered MS2000 throw-away preset, usually in a conspicuous place in whatever song, just hung out there for everyone to see how little whatever band cared about the song they wrote.  An Incubus song (yes, they're awful, they've always been awful. This is just further proof.) comes to mind immediately, although there were at least half a dozen that I can't seem to recall at the moment. Please don't do that. It's horrific. I mean if your band is Incubus, you already suck. Why make it worse?  Anyhoo...
Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.


Quote from: Chovie D on April 04, 2013, 02:28:56 PM
Helios CReeds board (not sur how old this pic is?)

The singer in my first bands brother (Mark Duran), played bass for a few years with Helios (he's on X-Rated Fairy Tales). In those days H hadn't even put his pedals on a piece of plywood. The last time I saw them in SF was at the Nightbreak. I'm not exaggerating when I say that he had about a dozen pedals chained together on the floor, just sliding around.  Helios was living in a school bus along the panhandle (my pals lived in the Haight). The morning after the show, Helios showed up all excited, as he had come up with the idea of nailing all his pedals to a board. I guess my point is that the picture you posted must have been taken after that period of his career.

At Least I Don't Have The Clap.

Chovie D

the board itself is awesomely bare bones. :D

I have a microkorg also. On THAT i manipulate the sounds and dont use presets much because frankly the presets blow pretty hard on it. Where as tthe presets on that cronox3 are better than anything I could come up with on my own.

For piano I use Garritan orchestra vsti..for electric piano I use the free mda plugin, sounds damn good. Organs I use sampletank...meh, those could be better for sure. The Garritan has a complete orchestra...ive use the strings only a couiple times and thought theyb sounds great..but how often do we use strings?

I dont do much with noise or electronic music..usually Ill sit down with all that crap and like three hours will pass with me fucking around and ive got nothing. I wish I could get into it cause it would be fun and you could do it by yourself.


The couple of times I've seen Helios Creed he's had a few loose pedals sitting on a barstool by the microphone, and he would work them by hand while playing/singing. Maybe there was some pedals on the floor too? I don't know.

This is what I'm working with, more or less. Some minor changes (Death Metal gone, PB&J gone, etc) but basically this.

Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


disco, that's funny how you can hear a sound from one of your own toys in a song plain as day.
lots of synths STILL hang on to that old GM patch set(General MIDI). there are 128 presets. the first couple are pianos and the last couple are birds, gunshots and helicopter.  even this x50 wasted their 5th bank on that GM set.  I already have a boss module to replace the lame soundcard GM set. but those are really tired sounds. every soundcard on the planet has them(although shitty small samples)
imagine having a Yamaha DX-7 with the world's most famous electric piano patch.  I hear that everywhere. damn doogie howser to hell lol

morty , that is a seriously intruiging pile of stuff there. I wish I was closer just to watch you work your rig at a show

im so sad lumpy, I recognized the behringer mixer instantly and nothing else
what is that little alesis thing to the right of the mixer?

im also sad that it is going to get warm and between the yard and work, I will be time strapped just when I want to play.


In the late '90s I used a massive old sampling keyboard, a Boss DR660 drum machine, a cheap distortion pedal a friend gave me, a beat up dj mixer, and cassette recordings I made of vents and whatever else. Didn't use midi at all, didn't have a sequencer until just before I became obsessed with '60/70s rock and stopped the project. On my 4 track cassette recorder I'd layer loops from the Boss but with the sounds already pitch shifted down all the way so they sounded industrial through distortion into the sampler, field recordings with the same treatment for ambient and bassy power electronics tones, sometimes would have sounds running into the mixer but with sounds going out and back into it so I could control the feedback with the knobs on the fly, some tape loop tapes, a tiny bit of actual melodic keyboard samples from the sampler, and a few other random methods. Experimental/dark ambient/death industrial/noise is how I thought of it. Was obsessed with Cold Meat Industry stuff, some early industrial, some harsh noise, and stuff like Skinny Puppy and the like although I didn't use vocals, beats, etc. Had a Juno 6 but only fooled around with it, never recorded anything with it. I've mentioned this before but I could have bought a Micro Moog for $300 at a local music store in '96. I still kick myself sometimes but at that time it wasn't the sort of sound I was looking for. Was on a split CD release with Gruntsplatter on his Crionic Mind label and had tracks on 3 or 4 comps. Very little compared to many of the other similar projects at the time who would release loads of tapes, CDs, and 7 inches every year. I didn't know a single person locally who was actually into anything like that and could barely give away my copies of the split all the while Mortiis, Merzbow, Brighter Death Now, etc were getting coverage in metal magazines and what not. I wasn't 21 very long before I hung up Slowvent and so didn't go to more than a couple experimental/noise bar shows but the scene/scenes seemed a lot more underground than they are now. The rave thing was still going strong, the gothic rock bands were mostly darkwave by then, black metal was big kind of, eh, now I'm just rambling. Mostly I'd wander around downtown stoned and look for construction sites to hang out in at night. Pretty dumb, I should have been banging 19 year olds. This concludes my micro essay on the late '90s.


Quote from: Chovie D on April 04, 2013, 02:28:56 PM
Helios CReeds board (not sur how old this pic is?)

I played a show with him, opening, in around '92 and he had all his pedals in a suitcase up on a bar stool and was playing through two Peavey half stacks.

It is rather funny that for so many years I and everyone I knew just put our pedals on the floor with whatever random adaptors and cables and I never thought to nail them to a board.


Creed uses or used the h'll out of the eh microsynth. My first good pedals were that and a deluxe memory man. Just like my hero helios.
CV - Slender Fungus


hey jibberish..depending on where you are, you might get your chance..we are trying to tour. where are you??


the thing in the upper left is a small modular synth..i just don't have all the patch cables plugged


Quote from: jibberish on April 04, 2013, 08:52:01 PM
what is that little alesis thing to the right of the mixer?

Alesis Bitrman, a sound mangler. Has a Ring Mod. and Frequency Mod. setting.

Quote from: liquidsmoke on April 05, 2013, 12:10:32 AM
In the late '90s I used a massive old sampling keyboard, a Boss DR660 drum machine, a cheap distortion pedal a friend gave me, a beat up dj mixer, and cassette recordings I made of vents and whatever else. Didn't use midi at all, didn't have a sequencer until just before I became obsessed with '60/70s rock and stopped the project. On my 4 track cassette recorder I'd layer loops from the Boss but with the sounds already pitch shifted down all the way so they sounded industrial through distortion into the sampler, field recordings with the same treatment for ambient and bassy power electronics tones, sometimes would have sounds running into the mixer but with sounds going out and back into it so I could control the feedback with the knobs on the fly, some tape loop tapes, a tiny bit of actual melodic keyboard samples from the sampler, and a few other random methods. Experimental/dark ambient/death industrial/noise is how I thought of it. Was obsessed with Cold Meat Industry stuff, some early industrial, some harsh noise, and stuff like Skinny Puppy and the like although I didn't use vocals, beats, etc. Had a Juno 6 but only fooled around with it, never recorded anything with it. I've mentioned this before but I could have bought a Micro Moog for $300 at a local music store in '96. I still kick myself sometimes but at that time it wasn't the sort of sound I was looking for. Was on a split CD release with Gruntsplatter on his Crionic Mind label and had tracks on 3 or 4 comps. Very little compared to many of the other similar projects at the time who would release loads of tapes, CDs, and 7 inches every year. I didn't know a single person locally who was actually into anything like that and could barely give away my copies of the split all the while Mortiis, Merzbow, Brighter Death Now, etc were getting coverage in metal magazines and what not. I wasn't 21 very long before I hung up Slowvent and so didn't go to more than a couple experimental/noise bar shows but the scene/scenes seemed a lot more underground than they are now. The rave thing was still going strong, the gothic rock bands were mostly darkwave by then, black metal was big kind of, eh, now I'm just rambling. Mostly I'd wander around downtown stoned and look for construction sites to hang out in at night. Pretty dumb, I should have been banging 19 year olds. This concludes my micro essay on the late '90s.

Dude, right on.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


liquid, 2 things. 1) your noise adventure is cool, like hardcore. 2)i will get to the post office and send those queen albums probably Tuesday when it rains.  my yard is the usual royally fucked up after winter and the deer. so I will be makin hay while the sun shines since this is the first time I can get out there..and oi whattamess..

lumpy , that alesis sounds dangerous. can I have it?

morty, I am in the Cleveland area.  I keep several small children in cages and occasionally strafe the highway AND keelhaul is playing out again I see. however next week they are on a 4 band bill out at the grog shop so IDK about this round...

well found the tripod, got out the camera and promptly atomic dropped it 5 feet onto the unforgiving tile floor, it's aaaaliiiiive.
re-figured out my youtube acct info. only took 3 tries. we bad we bad uh huh.
last thing, drag $25 garage sale casio out and edit a video into the op. But in the meantime here is a test run of all of the above mentioned stuff and to tease rager a little bit more.

"an alien takes over a fail radio station, talks while dialing it in, plays a nasty alien song once he gets control, gets bored and leaves"

edit: oh wtf am I watching? I came across a fail fm station with a weird beat so I recorded it. I hd that for a while so I used it as a platform to make a noise song and demo the x50. 3 tracks ofx50 on top of the FM noise track all in a reaper project. I only used the camera sound so it is mono. the stereo is pretty crazy but I am still in the middle of this piece, so no point yet.


this was sunno's cheesy black metal rhythm track that I upped the cheese factor on. i'm linking it because I used Yamaha dx-7 and boss GM module violins, then the dx-7 tubular bell sound. the vocals were kawaii k4r module+boss GM module patches. the growling was me. shit cymbal roll on the alesis drum machine and a little actual guitar run right in the beginning when the drums start


Quote from: jibberish on April 07, 2013, 01:06:02 AM
liquid, 2 things. 1) your noise adventure is cool, like hardcore. 2)i will get to the post office and send those queen albums probably Tuesday when it rains.  

Cool thanks!


I just have one of these guys right now, a Novation Impulse 49. I did have a korg R3, a microkorg and a microkorg xl.


Cleveland area..nice. ive wanted a show there forever but havnt been able to make it happen. I went to a few cool record stores there once