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expensive ass cymbals

Started by deleted account, June 04, 2013, 03:32:03 AM

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deleted account

is there any other kind?  and the bigger they are- hey, let's tack on another $75!

recently put a center crack in my 19 after like 4 years which is Guiness for me.  been playing a 21 crash that's got a Jaws-size chunk out of it for as long as I can remember.

fuck Guitar Swindle, help me break the extortion cycle!  Bay Area fuckers:  HELP

Mr. Foxen

Acoustic instruments where you are fussy about how they sound is an expensive game. Go electronic so you have EQ if you wanna be cheap.


I recently lost my 2002 ride . Surprisingly it's the first cymbal I wrecked on my own . Wanted to go bigger but I think I'm just going to replace it for now , I have to get rid of this ass sounding zildjian . Guess I'm just gonna replace it with another 20. Because that shit gets expensive quick

deleted account

I once bought a used 2002 off ebay.  looked great, sounded great.  broke it in 2 practices

deleted account

Quote from: Mr. Foxen on June 04, 2013, 07:57:24 AM
Acoustic instruments where you are fussy about how they sound is an expensive game. Go electronic so you have EQ if you wanna be cheap.

I don't wanna be cheap, I wanna be reasonable.  hell, I'll even settle for the ballpark of reasonable.  this shit's out of fucking control. 

we're talking about shit that breaks.  REGULARLY.  if they were indestructible, I'd have no problem paying $500-700 per


Ive been playing the same 21 inch Rock ride/20 inch medium crash/17 rock crash and set of new beats my entire time playing. It isnt about how hard you hit, it's how you hit it. I have my cymbals set up dead flat, that way you only hit the edges. Full stick hits are what kills cymbals. I play 2b sticks, and occasionally those ridiculous small baseball bat marching sticks. Get some good felts, or those synthetic rubber deals.

Cost? All I can tell you is scour pawn shops and craigslist. The only thing about guitar center is you can get that pro coverage deal, and they replace it no question asked.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G


deleted account

"It isnt about how hard you hit, it's how you hit it. I have my cymbals set up dead flat, that way you only hit the edges. Full stick hits are what kills cymbals."

what about their altitude in relation to your shoulders?  and what about those repeat hits, when you've got no choice but to hit it on the up-wobble or down-wobble on that second hit?


I keep mine neck level, and dig with the meat of the stick, I also don't go straight at them, I make swiping passes on stuff like that.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G


deleted account

me too on the level.  I pretty much go straight at 'em for the most part, unless I gotta hit something else hella quick right before or after.  heart of the stick at a 45 degree angle to the edge


Im not entirely sure if style matters but I spent a long time analyzing where my sticks were hitting on my heads, and refined that movement. I also take note of where the wear is, or dents, and adjust my angle accordingly on the kit. Im sort of neurotic about it, but it saves me money in the long run.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G


Discö Rice

Tell me about it. I have to replace my $450 ride. I can't even think about it right now. :(
Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.


You guys anti-Zildjian?  The only reason I ask is way back when, the Platinum series were pretty damn solid.  They sounded good (at least during the mid 90's) and never cracked on our old drummer, who had a history of breaking cymbals.

That being said, is breaking cymbals like breaking strings?  As in, when you're younger you tend to break them more often?  When I was a wee lad I broke bass strings because of how hard I plucked them.  Never happens anymore, I imagine because of how I go about it.

If it works that way, then maybe go to the younger bands and ask them if they've heard tell of some cymbal that hold up well.  Chances are they'll sound like shit, but maybe....
Vinyls.   deal.

deleted account

I think I hit as hard as when I was breakin' 'em all the time, maybe I'm hitting at a better angle?  who knows.  I like Zildjians, some series are better than others.  I'm not too picky, so long as it's not all clangy

Discö Rice

I'm not anti-Zildjian, I'm just in love with a lot of things Paiste makes. I also love Wuhan china cymbals and some of Hammerax's offerings (the Hellbells, specifically). Zildjian (and Sabian, I guess), generally speaking, doesn't make the cymbals I want in the sizes I want. If they did, brand loyalty wouldn't stop me from purchasing their products.
Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.

Discö Rice

My top hi-hat cymbal is a 20" Zildjian K Custom Dry Ride. It works very well in that capacity.
Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.


Can someone explain to me how an ass cymbal works? How is an ass cymbal different from other cymbals and why are they so expensive? Thanks.


They are to be played with butt bongos.


If you think ass cymbals are expensive, try pricing some butt bongos.
Livin' The Life.

deleted account

oh, the peanut gallery welcome wagon has arrived!  please, join us.  take a load off and warm your hands by the fire that is my exasperation


Yesterday I pulled the trigger & got another 2002 ride . Got the hook up from Matt ( themusketking on here) also went ahead & got the 3 year extended warranty . Sounds so good.


I don't know how you move those 20 inch hats, Gabe.

What hihat stand can hold up a 20 inch dry ride?
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G


Discö Rice

Quote from: SunnO))) on June 11, 2013, 09:23:21 AM
I don't know how you move those 20 inch hats, Gabe.

What hihat stand can hold up a 20 inch dry ride?

The literal answer:
;) Haha TWO 20" rides, and I use a two-legged Tama Iron Cobra hi-hat stand. Works very well. As for playing that thing: a 13" set of New Beats it is definitely not, but, if you can wake up a 20" heavy crash, 20" hats aren't all that different. The right combination of cymbals of course makes all the difference. Just make sure to put the lighter one on top. Long sticks blah blah.

It's definitely work. My arms felt every bit of it. I didn't originally plan to go that big, though. I had lost my ultra-badass set of 14" hats to a pawn shop, was broke, and had two extra 20" cymbals laying around, and had just joined my last band so I needed something in a hurry. The increased weight and more sluggish feel took a while to get used to, but I dig it now. It's damn loud, and the tone is boner-inducing. I could probably be just as happy (happier?) with a super heavy set of 17 or 18 inch hats, honestly, but I can't even think about that until something breaks (knock on wood).
Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.


I adore cymbals even though I don't play, they're all shiny and expensive and well made, I got a paiste 20" power ride for my man last year and had so much fun choosing it, when I picked it up that was the first time I'd seen a nice big quality cymbal like that close up, beautiful....

If only they were indestructible!


Thus far, I haven't broken any cymbals. I'd be devastated, if I did. They are difficult to replace and... indeed... costly.

My latest acquisition:

My first 'top quality cymbal' (bought it 3rd/4th-hand, of course). And, yes, it sounds terrific and should last forever. The only downside is that it makes me lust after more big ('matching') pies.


Quote from: SunnO))) on June 04, 2013, 12:47:38 PM
I have my cymbals set up dead flat, that way you only hit the edges. Full stick hits are what kills cymbals.
Most common set up to bust cymbals, really. Glance off them, do NOT strike the edge directly.

And here's a mind fuck for ya that your brain will immediately reject as false: Lighter cymbals are more flexible and thus less prone to breakage.