The Vegetarian thread

Started by frobbert, July 17, 2013, 01:16:45 PM

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bite me


I go long stretches without eating any meat.  Not usually vegan though cuz I lerv cheese way too much.  Im a curd nerd.
No Focus Pocus


Not a meat guy at all, but I hesitate to use the V-word. Not just because I do use the occasional dairy product and somtimes eat fish but also because frankly speaking, I think most hardcore vegetarians are an annoying bunch of fundamentalists (in my experience that is). Don't want to get associated with them too much.

However, I am interested in good food and/or recipes without meat.
bite me


falafel lettuce wraps
make the falafel mix as stated on package, but do not form balls. I said BALLS. heat a little oil in pan and cook the falafel mix like a hash, add veggies. season with lemon, garlic, parsley. this uses a fraction of the oil compared to deep frying or even 

also make it with tofu-- if I plan ahead, I drain the water from the tofu, press and then marinate in Bragg's amino's and garlic/white pepper. add veggies, shrooms and then finish it off with some sesame oil.

it's time to mouth party.


Those look noms....

My favourite veggie feast is!

Bean chilli, loads of different beans, red & yellow peppers, loads of passata, loads of chillis, tons of paprika
Served in fajitas with loads of mature cheddar, guacamole, sour cream or yoghurt, smokey BBQ sauce, salsa, refried beans and jalapeños, bit of rice, wraps toasted at the last second (or same but quorn chilli or Aubergine mushroom chilli) so long as its big and messy!

Lasagne with layers of tomato garlic sauce, pasta, Aubergine, courgette, mushrooms, spinach, cheese sauce topped with cheese of course, with home made garlic bread

Pizza with goats cheese, jalapeños and mixed peppers, with sour cream to dip

Mushroom spagetti bolognese with loads of sauce, cheese and garlic bread

I do veggie burgers a lot, there are loads of good ones (I don't do homemade ones often as I still haven't found a recipe I loved), so long as there's loads of BBQ sauce, mayo, jalapenos and cheese, paprika sweet potato wedges on the side...

Oh and big stuffed mushrooms, my favourite is garlic, pesto, goats cheese, topped with herby breadcrumbs and cheese, I have them with a side of loads of other garlic roast veg...

I'm hungry....


Tonight I'm having toasted pitta bread veggie burgers with roast garlic, tomatoes, red and yellow peppers, beetroot, tzatziki, hummous, salad, black olives and feta cheese, mmmmmmmm with lots of beer.... lots and lots of coooooollllld beer.......

I wanna know what you veggies eat!


We refer to them as "salad shooters"
No Focus Pocus


bite me


Guess what just hit the market?

Just had a Tofurkey brat on a sub roll with kraut, yellow mustard & that sauce for lunch.

*pats belly*

Livin' The Life.


That shit's actually really fukn good.
No Focus Pocus


Quote from: RAGER on August 07, 2013, 05:01:20 PM
That shit's actually really fukn good.

Plenty of conventional chefs these days are using Veganaise instead of real mayo because they say it tastes better (no risk of salmonella, either). I agree, and the horseradish sauce is excellent!
Livin' The Life.


Although I am not a vegetarian, I have started to have greens (usually broccoli) every meal.  I've never had sh*ts so green before.   I really love veggies, but never, like most folks I'd imagine, get enough in my diet.  I assume I am now.


Iv been a bad veggie lately and eaten pizza for 3 out 5 meals the last couple of weeks :*

My friend made this INCREDIBLE salsa recently and we ate it with tortilla chips, home made wedges, nice olives, artichokes, Aubergine pâté which was full of pink peppercorns and we ordered pizza too, here's what was in the salsa:

Green tomatoes
Red tomatoes
Green peppers
Red onion
White wine vinegar
Lime juice
Tabasco sauce

I could have eaten it solely for the rest of my life mmmmmmm ~.~


I like meat, but my lady is not a fan, so I wind up making eggplant or portabellas pretty regularly. I find them both pretty satisfying...or sometimes I'll make some chickpeas with a shitload of curry and  garlic and canned tomatoes with coconut rice on the side and chutney. Sometimes spicy can make up for lack of meat.


Mmm yeah agreed, portobellos and Aubergine are my favourite, I find you can just stew Aubergine in tomatoes and garlic and that's it, it's so tasty, as for portobellos I like to stuff them with:

Garlic on the very bottom
Goats cheese
Crushed walnuts
Breadcrumbs, chilli's, herbs and parmesan or cheddar


I started using this app where you record your food to see how nutritious your diet is and typical veggie fate its turned out I have too little protein and iron in my diet, I thought I was alright with 1 or two eggs a day and occasional green veg, I'm never tired or pale but according to this app I'm getting less than 10% of my rda a day. Anyone got some good protein/iron recipes?

I made this organic sauce the other day which ended up as soup, pasta sauce and sausage casserole sauce for 3 days:

Courgette, tomatoes, red pepper, red onion & garlic roasted in olive oil, add water, spinach, black pepper, blend smooth:

Got these cute 'Pattipan Squash', theyre bright yellow and look like flying saucers, roasted them in olive oil and garlic then blended with a pot of stock and red lentils for soup:

Stuffing vegurkey organic butterhead lettuce and mayo sandwhiches!

This is amazing in winter, red cabbage, Portobello mushrooms and fresh chestnuts fried up, it doesn't need anything else, delicious!:


Beans should provide more protein than you could possibly need.

Dark green veggies for the iron: broccoli, spinach, kale, etc., especially raw.
Livin' The Life.


totally forgot about beans! already on it!

I need to start liking dark green veg...


Take some kale (black or "Dinosaur" kale is best); add some chopped onion & garlic & sauté in a bit of high-temp oil. Makes a nice sandwich!
Livin' The Life.


You know your a veggie when your eating a cabbage sandwich! ;)


Sauteed collard greens with onion, garlic, roasted tomato, & blackeyed peas over jasmine rice.
Livin' The Life.


Boiled up the first couple of gallons of fast & easy soup of the season:

Bob's Red Mill's Vegetable soup mix, sautéed, chopped onion, garlic, celery, & green kale in Imagine No-Chicken broth plus herbs & spices:

1 hour from start to finish.
Livin' The Life.


Killer snack:

"Fire in the Hole": pitted, halved avocado w/ a small dollop of sriracha sauce in the "hole": & roughly-ground sea salt on top.
Livin' The Life.


Mmmm iv never heard of sriracha sauce, I wonder if I can get it?

I have three organic avocados in my kitchen, I'll probably eat them with nothing as a snack :)

So John brought home vegan society handbooks the other day and we decided to massively cut down on all animal products, so far it's going well I did a massive shop yesterday and didn't buy the usual cheese, fish or yoghurt. I'm going to try making a vegan moussaka tonight with soya yoghurt, wish me luck!