Post Your Jams, Improvs, One-Offs and Practices

Started by Dave J, January 19, 2018, 05:51:02 PM

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All the words spoken in "A través del Túnel del Sueño" were improvised on the spot. "Bienvenidos al Caos" starts around 08:27 and features the most disgusting and violent wall of fuzz I could achieve by using not one (or two) but four dirt pedals at the same time: MJM Roctavios (with the Boost knob almost all the way up), MJM London Fuzz, MJM London Fuzz II and Sunmachine Reptile Fuzz.
cartoons, chocolate milk & rock 'n' roll!!
Fuzz is love


fucking heavy. i jumped ahead to the 4 dirt pedals section. dripping with fuzz. makes your ears feel like they are barefoot on a shag carpet from the 70s.


That was a cool sound.  Have you ever tried Torche tuning?  AADGBE?  It might sound cool. 
Vinyls.   deal.

Muffin Man

Stonergrunge fuzz master. really impressive fuzz cocktail.


Is that a gong sample right at 8:27. If it is or isn't I'm stealing it. lol.
No Focus Pocus

Muffin Man

Quote from: RAGER on August 13, 2023, 02:07:16 PMIs that a gong sample right at 8:27. If it is or isn't I'm stealing it. lol.

good ear. seems our Southern friend has a knack for a suprise or two


Thanks for all the comments you guys, I really appreciate them a lot. Yes, there is a gong in two moments of the video, I downloaded a bunch of gongs many years ago, I honestly don't remember right now the name of the website but maybe you can still find something around the web.

And by the way, here is my latest video (and quite possibly the penultimate one for a while), this is a pretty wild improvisation that was completely recorded with my cellphone so I had to enhance the audio with Audacity in order to compensate for some volume level fluctuations. The gear I mostly used was: Lyon By Washburn guitar - Warm Audio Foxy Tone Box (octave on) - Frost Giant Electronics Little Acid Fuzz - BOSS DD8 Digital Delay (Shimmer mode) - BOSS RC3 Loop Station (with BOSS FS7 Dual Foot Switch) - Washburn South Side VGA30R amplifier... and yes, there are a few mistakes here and there but nothing too serious.

cartoons, chocolate milk & rock 'n' roll!!
Fuzz is love


Hi, this is my final video (for a while). As usual, there is a lot of fuzz and intensity:

cartoons, chocolate milk & rock 'n' roll!!
Fuzz is love


This instrumental was recorded using the Warm Audio Foxy Tone Box along with the Frost Giant Electronics Maryland DoomFest '23 Massif Fuzz plus the Boss RC-3 Loop Station for the rhythmic section during the solo and the Boss DD-8 Digital Delay, the looped rhythmic section was recorded using the Frost Giant Electronics Little Acid Fuzz.

cartoons, chocolate milk & rock 'n' roll!!
Fuzz is love


Learning how to play the acoustic guitar is going slowly, but I'm really enjoying it. Compositionally, the 8 string baritone continues to astound me with its possibilities and idiosyncracies


sounds really great ren. had some led zep vibes to my ear.


That's cool sounding.  And today i learned that 8 string baritone acoustics exist, also cool.


Sounds great ren. Now I'm shopping for a used one. Found one us Seattle for $500. Nah. I'll watch the local GC. Thanks.
No Focus Pocus


Look at the GC website for used stuff.  Their shipping is incredibly inexpensive.   I bought my les paul from them.  
Vinyls.   deal.

Muffin Man

My bari acoustic 6 string takamine was $500 Musicians fiend. Actually it was less. True if you call them, as they mention on their site, for more discount.


also if you use the promo code 'muffinman' you can save an additional 10%.

Muffin Man

those codes, a bakers dozen, went like hotcakes, since they stacked.. all gone


So this is an audio only demo that I uploaded to YouTube featuring some of the pedals I use outside my pedalboard (the final 7 minutes of the video it's just the MJM Sixties Vibe Custom)... but I'm not going to lie, it's a lousy demo:

cartoons, chocolate milk & rock 'n' roll!!
Fuzz is love

Muffin Man

some rippin' fuzz's there, Stonergrunge. good to hear.