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what's YOUR band up to?

Started by justinhedrick, July 18, 2011, 09:40:52 AM

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Danny G

the Ocean of Stars EP is now live on our Reverb page!
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


^that is really cool. my hope is that the 4 of you hang together for a while so everyone loosens up and tightens up and starts all adding their creativity.  it could be awesome in time.  everything is careful right now. which is cool to start.

Danny G

Thanks man.

In assembling them was wondering how much I should stick to the script, as the music was already written.

Decided was best to let the songs do what they want to do, keep the basic framework but let the players add their personalities and shine \m/

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Just played a pretty damn good show to a crowd of nearly zero people.  This was made more apparent by being in a big venue.  Why do we do this?  The venue had great sound, so that was pretty cool. 


for any of my doomz showz in the future I anticipate very small audiences.  I have witnessed awesome heavy rock bands around Austin TX play with very small crowds, and then dont get subsequent gigs for monthz... on the up side being a bassist in a cover band may be in my future tho :)


Quote from: AgentofOblivion on June 24, 2014, 11:11:15 AM
Just played a pretty damn good show to a crowd of nearly zero people.  This was made more apparent by being in a big venue.  Why do we do this?  The venue had great sound, so that was pretty cool. 
the why is because the few people that were there probably really go into it..


With the demo finally out things are really picking up, namely gig interest from bands in other cities and some label interest. Not the best time to not have a bass player but we are working on that. Things are looking very good. I'm planning on starting guitar tracking for an ep this weekend.


I will play bass synth via satellite from my basement.
No Focus Pocus


looks like my old blackmetalnoisegrind band is back..


surfaced in 2003. went back under in 2006. resurfaced in 2014.

only track ever released up to this point..


Sarlacc Productions out of Ireland will be releasing our demo on cassette. We will be label mates with Apostle of Solitude and Argus. Fuck yes!



Thanks Matt and great set at DOTD!


Thanks man.  1:00 pm is a tough slot.  Kinda surreal.    Let's play a show together soon!


That would be awesome, I'll let you know when we have a new bass player up to speed.


Quote from: liquidsmoke on June 28, 2014, 02:30:09 PM
Sarlacc Productions out of Ireland will be releasing our demo on cassette. We will be label mates with Apostle of Solitude and Argus. Fuck yes!

Fart is a good guy. Will defo pick it up when he gets them out.


Released our record recently, and we will have physical copies shortly. Oh, and we're playing with Planes Mistaken For Stars next week. I'm excited for that one.
(insert interesting quote)


And we will be releasing a limited tape, with vinyl to come in the future. Just got announced today.
(insert interesting quote)


anyone into doing limited trades for vinyl and/or cassette. my bands shit for your bands shit.. hit me up. I need to pad my merch/distro box.. 


We've got some new t-shirts to go along with the new album. 

if you would like a t-shirt please send us an email (mon.oh.brauATgmailDOTcom) with the following information:

Shipping Address
Design (full colour on black, light green or dark green)
Style (men's or women's)
PayPal Address.

The full colour on black t-shirt will be $25 shipped anywhere in the world. The green t-shirts will be $20 shipped.

These will be in limited quantities, once we have enough orders we will send out PayPal invoices.


Congrats smokey! I'll pick up one of those tapes!

Cool T brow :)


Looks like our album is gonna get a tape release on Sarlacc now too.


My rock band Mass Driver has a pretty kickass show coming up on the 12th at the Birdhouse in Knoxvegas. We're playing with a hardcore band out of OK and an Indie sort of band from Nashville.
It's a really kickass venue. It's labeled as a "community center" but it's basically a house with a PA. We've played there before and it's always a blast. So for the three of you that are within a reasonable distance from here, it would be rad to see you there.
We're also shooting some footage for a music video so you have a very good chance of becoming famous.

My other band The Appalachian surf team is still going strong. We have a few off the wall shows coming up (car shows and such) so if anyone if interested in coming out to that stuff let me know and I'll give you the details.

Here are a few videos from one of our last shows in downtown Knoxville. Enjoy!!


This kid that's working as a promoter for the band we're headed out with next week has moved on to using words like "WE are going on tour" and "OUR amp..."

It's giving me a healthy dose of the annoy. Go get us more than $100 for two bands, jack off.