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Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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Muffin Man

Quote from: mortlock on August 27, 2022, 10:36:09 PM
Quote from: Muffin Man on August 27, 2022, 10:04:00 PM
Quote from: mortlock on August 27, 2022, 10:01:17 PM
i am super stoked. we just got asked to play this.

wow that looks huge.
lots of out of town bands coming in. lots of regional acts. very stoked!!

congratulations! and I hope there's a stream or vids. 7 days is an excellent thing!    very cool.


i cant even begin to tell you how annoying this is to me at band prac. my ocd is not pleased at all. im not sure you could twist the strap any more without fucking up the guitar.


I use straps that are quite beefy for my Pauls.
No Focus Pocus

Danny G

Yeah. Like that old commercial, Wider Is Better

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The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


thats my point. that is a normal 2 inch width guitar strap that he has so twisted up it that its like a rope. annoys the shit out of me.

Muffin Man

this is why we have to have velcro "shoelaces"


I dropped off my G&L El Toro to have the fretboard replaced.  Possibly the truss rod too. It's going to be expensive.  Oh well.
Vinyls.   deal.

Muffin Man

holy smokes cool bass. I've been eyeballing jazz type basses for a couple years. never knew of those. Or maybe Rick bass the 4003/5. Just ruled out Warwick, not getting with the tone (over the internet). Fretless is on my radar because it would be radically different than my pbass. My pbass I like to brag about.

Pissy, I'm sure you have a ton of good old fashion braggadocio around your El Toro. Super cool. What color? That black hardware/pickps is pretty awesome on those. What a treasure.


Mine is no treasure.  It spent the 90's getting trashed pretty hard.  The pickups in those things are very unique HB-2 MFD humbuckers that are a little larger than a jazz bass pickup and have 4(!!) pole pieces per string. 

Mine is transparent red over an ash body.  I thought I documented it here somewhere.  I'll try to find it.  Old pics from old phone are on a computer or thumb drive somewhere.
Vinyls.   deal.



Mine looks like this, but the pickups were long gone before I got it along with the rest of the electronics.  Jazz bass pickups in it now.  The neck is sorta twisted as well.  Actually the treble side of the neck has more relief than the bass side.  It's a bit of a mess, but it sounds great when it's playable.
Vinyls.   deal.


my bass neck on my fender jazz has been pretty much like that for the longest. its been exposed to wild temp shifts while touring. its super sensitive to the humidity. in the winter the action gets real high, in the summer its a little easier to play. the truss rod is shot. i wouldnt change a thing. ive had it since 1992 and could pick it out of a line up of 1000 fender jazz basses blindfolded.

Danny G

Last night playing an outdoor venue.

Hear a weird cracking sound to my left. Wearing earplugs, so can't tell what it is or where exactly it's coming from.

Noise stops. Keep playing.

Hear cracking sound again. Can't tell what it is or where it's coming from.

Hear the noise again, and an entire half of a TREE comes crashing down. Get blasted by a cloud of dust like someone lit up the fog machine.

THANK GOD no one was under it or in its path because it would have killed someone. Came close to taking out singers lady but she was fine just like WTF?!?

It was a live oak, trunk a foot thick. Snapped off completely halfway up the trunk.

Wasn't an unkempt tree dropping branches and wasn't fault of the venue, just a freak occurrence. The tree was just DONE. And live oaks are sturdy as fuck and can live 1000 years, so for this to happen with zero wind blowing is even crazier.

Hard to tell the scale but this is the tree:


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Maybe termites or something.  But yeah live oaks routinely survive hurricanes, that's pretty rare for an out of nowhere break. 

Vinyls.   deal.

Danny G

Now I know the sound of a tree cracking and about to give way.

There's a volley ball area 100yds to the left. They were shutting down and thought maybe someone was noisily stacking chairs or something. Nope.

It was loud enough that I heard it (twice) standing next to my bass amp and a drummer, with ear plugs in, before it came crashing down (that noise I *did* recognize)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Taking a break outside band practice at Lordfinesse's house one time, we were sitting on the porch.  It was about 6ft off the ground.  We heard noise like an animal chewing on the underside of the deck.  Start, then stop, start, stop.  Then it got more often, and in a matter of seconds was constant then BOOM!   Deck came crashing down, all but one corner so we were collected in the low corner.  We laughed for about 30 minutes. 

But the curious noise, and how it changed over about 30 seconds stuck with me. 
Vinyls.   deal.


holy shit Danny G, a tree god sacrificed its life to send yall a portent.

epic stuff, glad nobody was hurt

Muffin Man

10:50 wood tapping wood strains.


so i have an opportunity to buy a gibson eb1 violin bass copy. not a real gibson. im not sure what the brand is but i can get it for under $200. i know the guy selling it and i bought a 2x15 cab off him that i use all the time. hes a good dude and would not try and screw me.

anyone know anything about non gibson eb1 copies?


I can tell simply by imagining it that the thing will neck dive like a motherfucker.  For me that's a deal breaker. But to each their own.
Vinyls.   deal.


Its a no go. I asked him about it, he was honest.


That's why I don't have an explorer. If I could find an Ibanez explorer that'd be another story. But those are 10k.
No Focus Pocus


anyone have any experience with eastwood guitars and basses? they make what seem like really nice copies of retro instruments. they make a mosrite bass copy that i cant seem to get out of my head. i really need a reason not to buy one other than i cant afford it.

Muffin Man

Have not had one in my hands. I had a pre-order deposit on a Hooky bass but backed out. Mike, the owner, was very accommodating and I've been meaning to look again. I want the TB64 bass.
Yeah I like that Sidejack bass too. Gotta have one of those or the geetar.

Hohner has some budget violin basses - $250. I've been meaning to post a link or DM you mortlock, will over the weekend once I find the link I've been oogling.

KALA U-Bass makes a nifty little bass, rubber string, or whatever they are. pretty cool.

Muffin Man

dealer with some Hohner from low to high. Not affiliation and I've never bought there but they have a couple nuggets I drool over:



I've been on Eastwood's email list since they started I think.  In the beginning, those Mosrite copies were actually copies of Univox Hi Fliers - copies themselves. 

I had a hi flier back in the early 90's.  I thought it was awesome, but at the time was all about pointy hesdstock guitars.  It felt great and sounded great.   I removed the bridge P-90 and put it into a crappy (pointy) Memphis thing in order to make the pointy thing sound better.  Never mind that the p-90 doesn't fit in a humbucker spot. 

It didn't change the sound, which surprised me.  Actually I'm still surprised.  The sound of that Memphis didn't change until I moved the pots and wiring from the Univox to it. 

Years later I bought some replacement p90s, new pots and caps and put the Univox back together.  It was alright, but I had moved on to an SG that is still my No. 1 so it didn't get played much. I ended up giving it away to a buddy of mine's kid.  That kid (now probably 25 or so) still has it and it's his No. 1.  he's taken it to a tech who went over it with a fine toothed comb and apparently it kicks ass now again.

The Univox HiFliers like the one I had now have 1k asking prices on Reverb.  Kinda kicking myself, but you know I was like 16 and stuff.  But, to gift someone their favorite guitar, when I paid $100 for it... I'm good with that. 

The Eastwood prices used to be much less for what they offer.  Now I'm not so sure I'd get one instead of the originals (univox, not mosrite) because of how close the prices are.  Of course the cycle for "Vintage Eastwoods" is probably close to coming back around. 
Vinyls.   deal.