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Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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Muffin Man

now, i remember, myrareguitars


My current #2 guitar for C standard is an Eastwood RD, I love the thing. Plays great, sounds great, I have zero complaints about it except that no one makes replacement RD pickguards, and I have a whole "only white pickguards belong on black guitars" thing. So I made my own. And like the aesthetic much more. The only photo I have with the new guard is pretty potato quality, but yeah, it rips.

Given the price point, they do a have reputation for being "light" but mine clocks in at just over 9 pounds. The other guitar player has a '78 Custom that is around 10.

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Does anyone know where to source 5w resistors?  Like a kit box of them?  Mouser and the like sell them in singles, which works, but a kit full would last me a lifetime.   I can find 1W and below, but not the larger 5W.
Vinyls.   deal.


Man now i really want to buy one. Thankfully the eastwood univox bass is currently out of stock.


Pissy, what resistance?

I've  bought smaller bulk parts (like 20 pieces) from

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Seems like i see 47k, 250k, 1k and 1.5k most often in 5W.  I suppose that's not very many different values to order individually.

Looks like all they have in 5W are ceramic.   I'll keep looking.  Thanks though.
Vinyls.   deal.

Muffin Man


No Focus Pocus


No Focus Pocus

Muffin Man

slow rolling a bass but I'd like to end up here. one can dream


Boy it's been a minute since I posted here. We played a big show a few weeks back and I just got the video back from it.

Zero just finished recording a new EP. Should be out in March. Had a blast recording this one. Pics for content.


Been converting my barn into a art/music studio moved about 2/3 of my amp collection in there today and damn, it's cool to see what I've got up here all in one place.  Still have an Acoustic full stack and an Earth b2000/Kustom 315 to bring up from my studio in the Bay Area. 

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anyone ever play a bass or guitar with fanned frets? what are they supposed to do? how weird is it?


My head tells me to stay away, but my heart tells me to run away. 
Vinyls.   deal.


Morty, they "help" with the extremity of lower tunings. I no that if you have a  5 string bass, you can have your low B be a 36" scale, and your G be a 33", or whatever.  I'm not a huge fan, have played (not owned, just fucked around on) 2 multiacale basses and 1 guitar. Not for me, it's not that its super weird, in fact there's almost no learning curve. It's more that the tension on the strings wasn't what I was used to, and I'm not an extended range player anyway, so the added B strings didn't do much of anything for me. I will say they were all comfortable instruments, probably to do with the fact that they're more of a boutique thing, and the craftsmanship was of a high quality.

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Muffin Man


Muffin Man

Quote from: Muffin Man on December 25, 2022, 01:00:04 AM
garbled. it just pisses me off about goofy* fanned frets. what a bunch of goofy*. why? who cares. it's obviously wrong at worst, at best fiddling-about, for basement dwellers. It makes NO goofy* SENSE. is it about tuning, or micro-tuning? double-good luck.

*expletives deleted. sheesh
ps. I just remembered I've got an eurorack Euclidean sequencer here, and also Wendy Carlos alternate tuning wavetables for a keyboard. Not sure if they relate to fan-frets but still, I should like, go fly a kite.


Quote from: mortlock on December 23, 2022, 06:29:13 PM
anyone ever play a bass or guitar with fanned frets? what are they supposed to do? how weird is it?

Hung out with one of my bass player buds today. He just got an Ibanez EHB 1506ms multi scale abomination.

My man!  I Love you but Jesus. Play bass. This is probably why after 20 years we've never played in a band.

No Focus Pocus


its a good shred bass. licks and tricks. 


No. That's the thing. No bass shreds. Unless it's Cliff style.
No Focus Pocus


AMM style avant garde noise jam and some humboldt london. god save the queen.

rager, i suppose you dont consider this bass playing either.  ;)

Muffin Man

Quote from: mortlock on February 25, 2023, 08:32:07 PM

If you think that sounds good, and I have no question that it does, you should hear my Toro lawnmower. Back in action soon.