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Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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So first rehearsal in a while with just the drummer this time. Synth girl is recording these days with one of other bands. During our rehearsal a dude that we sorta know and also plays bass in other bands, comes in because he's volunteering at the jam place or something. He's there to take pictures for their instasuckgram. He sees my equipment and goes "Wow! You have really cool gear!" (yeah duh). We play a song, he takes pictures with an iPad looking stupid. After the song he asks if he can hold my bass for a second, he straps it on and starts playing. I moved to the side of the room and it looked like my bass was getting raped. Raped. He gave it back and goes "Yeah, I would set it up differently but if it works for you."

Fucking dickhead.

"To fully experience music is to experience the true inner self of a human being" -Pøde Jamick



i would never hand my bass to a 'dude you sorta know'. i pretty much wont even let close friends touch my bass..

Beta Cloud

Quote from: mortlock on June 17, 2015, 11:38:05 PM
i would never hand my bass to a 'dude you sorta know'. i pretty much wont even let close friends touch my bass..

why does it hurt when i pee?


Went down to A on my scroll with thicker strings, a 68 sounds monstrous on that guitar. Working on a new Orogen song and I'm now convinced after some test tracking today that a condenser is the way to go for recording high gain metal guitar. You don't really have to adjust your tone differently, just put the mic a foot or two away from your cab and make sure it can't hear your pick on the strings. Tight. Also the Amptweaker TightMetal is awesome for metal as fuck bass using a guitar through an EH Pitch Fork set to an octave down. My P isn't needed this time around.

Danny G

Duh moment from last night. 

Remembered to grab the bolt and washer for the stricken toggle switch on my 79 iceman and replaced it shortly before setting up, as I didn't want the switch knocking around loose.

Go to tune and no signal. I check a few things and realize oh. Yes, I screwed the switch back into place, but all the wires save for the un-meltable ground joint were still disconnected... Ok. Playing the LP Studio instead :)

Always bring a spare guitar, boys and girls hahaha ugh.

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The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Found bass strings on clearence at Best Buy of all places ...

$5 a pack for Slinkys (which I don't love), but the price was right. Check out your local Best Buy, see if they got em on clearence.
Vinyls.   deal.

Danny G

Thanks to Evil Fanny from the old board, just sent an Ocean of Stars EP and my three officially released solo albums to Ripple Music.

Have contacted them in the past but didn't pan out. But thanks to her string pulling will finally at least get a review :)

And sounds like the review will be favorable and OoS will be passed along to Ripple Music to see what happens.

Also we are having our official EP release party Friday the 31st. In addition to the two other gigs leading up (accidentally oversaturated, but we needy play more, and we can be strategic in the promotion of the upcoming shows)

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The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


The new album is mixed and mastered, we're also on a new label this time. We'll do a preview show in a few weeks or so and have a few gigs lined up for the coming months.

First song released:


did some auditions:

original band said no our guitarist is staying so we dont need you, but we need you to replace our guitarist in the cover band.  learned the 4 cover songs for the audition, then they said the guitarist is staying.  Then they said the original band guitarist really is leaving, so I learned the 4 songs for that audition and auditioned twice.  I made it very clear I could not sing as of now since I am working on strengthening my voice, but after two auditions, he said he needs a singing guitarist but I could audition as bassist to free him up so he does not have to do double duty as singer.  I said no more auditions, its getting weird learning material and getting shot down 3 times so far (original band, cover band, then again original band). 

auditioned for an original modern rock band, but it turns out they already wrote all the songs and time tempos and everything and just want the bassist to feel like he is not a hired gun.  since all the root notes were there and they play fast, its pretty much like the bass parts are even written since I would have to follow the guitars alot.  and they wanted $600/yr from me for their rent, and money from me for when they go into the studio.  I asked for a better deal and had many questions about when it turns from a cover band to a position where I could collaborate with other musicians...they just were not feelin' it and wanted me to play a lot faster than my music on my soundcloud page. 

oh well, I am gonnna work on singing since that seems to be where it is at.  prolly just go into the woodshed for like a year and double down my efforts!!  I should have some killer original tunes by then, hopefully be ready to do double duty as singer/guitarist by then 8)


Quote from: showdown on July 11, 2015, 03:34:01 PM
The new album is mixed and mastered, we're also on a new label this time. We'll do a preview show in a few weeks or so and have a few gigs lined up for the coming months.

First song released:

I can't listen @ work but thats a pretty cool album cover.

Danny G

Ocean of Stars had a pretty good show last Friday.

After some lineup shuffling we wound up with opening slot, not optimal but we used it to our advantage to bring friends out.

Not huge turnout but pleasantly decent. Good reaction. All the people in the other bands we talked to were really nice. We stuck around for 2 of the three other bands and looks like we actually had the biggest crowd. Awesome!

Made a good impression on the promoters and venue, arrived on time to set up and were off the stage completely in exactly 10 minutes flat.

On a related note, kind of a weird change being in charge.

Most other bands I'm in it's someone else's band. All I gotta do is show up, play to best of my ability and not get too drunk.

Being in charge I'm coordinating band member pickup, meeting FOH and trying to remember his name, meeting promoters and try to remember their names, overseeing gear, giving compliments and encouragement to my band members, setting up merch, manning merch, dismantling merch, talking to anyone who wants to talk, trying not to get drunk cause I'm driving everyone home, deciding when to load out and overseeing the van pack.

Kinda fun!

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The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins

Danny G

Also, my years of playing for other band leaders has been enlightening as to how I will/will not treat my players.

I will not get too drunk to perform.
I will always tell them how much I appreciate them and them playing with me.
I will never call them out, onstage or off, for making a mistake.
I will never treat them like "the help"
I will always listen to and address any of their needs/concerns.
I will ALWAYS keep in constant contact them re: updates, scheduling, etc etc etc
I will always introduce them onstage in between (or even during) songs to give them props

Etc etc etc

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The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


i think zappa may have abused some of those guidelines..

Danny G

Probably not as much as Buddy Rich.


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The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Quote from: mortlock on July 22, 2015, 12:21:02 AM
i think zappa may have abused some of those guidelines..
"I hear Linda Ronstadt is looking for a guitarist." ::)
A wooly man without a face, or a beast without a name.


Finally got the artwork and masters to the pressing plant for my band's new album.  I know I don't post much, but I'm stoked on my friend's artwork.  I think he has an Instagram #MattPresutti or something.

Shit.  I can't post a photo.  Here is a Facebook link:

Corey Y

Quote from: Cursed71 on July 22, 2015, 08:02:53 PM
Finally got the artwork and masters to the pressing plant for my band's new album.  I know I don't post much, but I'm stoked on my friend's artwork.  I think he has an Instagram #MattPresutti or something.

Shit.  I can't post a photo.  Here is a Facebook link:

Cool artwork man. I never checked out your band before, listening right now and I dig it.


Quote from: Cursed71 on July 22, 2015, 08:02:53 PM
Finally got the artwork and masters to the pressing plant for my band's new album.  I know I don't post much, but I'm stoked on my friend's artwork.  I think he has an Instagram #MattPresutti or something.

Shit.  I can't post a photo.  Here is a Facebook link:

Looks great and congrats!

You folks going to the Metal Grill show Friday?


swing low sweet chariot.   rip potbelly.  we were trying to get some collaborations going before he left the board to make his way out there.

once again, sad how many people were mean to him on the board...same old story: the dirty dpzen chewed up another one. and now they are sad, and short of memory too...
I hope there is a special place in hell for that pack of hyenas.


This isn't General discussion, but if'n you wanna GD...

Just because Owen could be an abrasive asshole doesn't mean we can't be sad that he died. Who's the one who always tells peeps to "die," anyway? You.

And I'll be sad when you die, too, unless I go first...

R.I.P. Potbelly.

Livin' The Life.

Corey Y

That sucks, I remember Potbelly from the old forum, but never knew him in person like a lot of others on the board. I haven't gone into General Discussion since years before the old forum shuttered, so I don't know what any of the rest of that stuff means.

Danny G

I hung with him twice. Shod 2007 during the Shrooms Incident and he randomly popped up at a Mother Truckers show in Santa Fe with Rev. Ike

Great dude. We'd kept in touch online ever since, as he went for it ball out with his music shortly after seeing him in 2008.

We kept missing each other. He came thru Austin numerous times and I either had a gig out of town or in town but nowhere near his venue, and vice versa.

A friends band was just touring through Wisconsin last month and I told them to look him up but they didn't get to hang with him.

I figured it was only a matter of time before our paths crossed again. I just didn't realize that it would be at the end of the proverbial road.

Still in shock.

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The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Owen was a one of a kind guy. We drifted apart over the last 5/6 years but I randomly saw him at the bar the night he died and he was joking and in good spirits as usual. He seemed more or less sober too.

Got some lead tracking accomplished this morning, had to get it done despite my downer mood over Owen, my ass once again saved by cranking my noise gate up enough to cut out the slop and using delay in parts to make it more interesting.


I was thinking about ol' Owen & played him some blues.

Livin' The Life.