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The Jam Room Blog Thread.

Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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Quote from: jibberish on April 18, 2016, 12:26:59 AM
I wish the price of solar panels would drop more.  this is the future of stealth outlaw pirate generator jams: silent generator

the only rub is when the sun goes down

now that the music room is finished (2+ year adventure inspired by jake's awesome basement)
the next step is a trailer, like one of those landscape/dirtbike sized trailers. this will be the portable mobile music setup

btw, the Stanley generator is still too loud. plus it really could use some power conditioning too. it is too hard core really
i'm going to have to bite the bullet and get the Honda like I should have at the start.

Tesla Powerwall!  ;D


I booked some time for tomorrow at an hourly rehearsal studio with a great drummer that you all know and my brother on bass.
Time to shake off the rust and make some damn music!


Quote from: neighbor664 on April 21, 2016, 07:33:25 PM
I booked some time for tomorrow at an hourly rehearsal studio with a great drummer that you all know and my brother on bass.
Time to shake off the rust and make some damn music!

For those about to rock....... ;D


Quote from: neighbor664 on April 21, 2016, 07:33:25 PM
I booked some time for tomorrow at an hourly rehearsal studio with a great drummer that you all know...

Is it priest, by any chance?
Livin' The Life.


Quote from: RacerX on April 22, 2016, 12:36:08 PM
Quote from: neighbor664 on April 21, 2016, 07:33:25 PM
I booked some time for tomorrow at an hourly rehearsal studio with a great drummer that you all know...

Is it priest, by any chance?

Nope. The drummer is Johann.


Livin' The Life.


Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Quote from: RacerX on April 22, 2016, 01:15:16 PM
Johann of... ??

Totimoshi, (Men of)Porn, Diesto, Greenhouse Effect, etc.
Posted as Johannslam on the old board.


Livin' The Life.


The jam went as well as it could for three guys who have been away from it for so long. The gear we got to play on was decent. Adequate PA, Fender Super Sonic, Tama Star Classic, Acoustic bass rig (i don't know the model).

Some great moments and some clunkers. Things go best when we slip into a stream-of-consciousness improv and just go where the sounds may lead us.
The thing with us is that the chops and eclectic tastes are there. Once upon a time all three of us could play anything we'd set out to do. The possibilities are so endless it is paralyzing.
I'm striving towards a Cactus and Blue Cheer like interpretation of Captain Beefheart's version of the blues as approximated by a Cobham's `Spectrum' tribute band in a Muscle Shoals session lead by John Fogerty's beer soaked flannel and Dan Aykroyd.

It probably actually just sounds like really bad George Thorogood on weed.


Quote from: neighbor664 on April 23, 2016, 01:09:05 PM
I'm striving towards a Cactus and Blue Cheer like interpretation of Captain Beefheart's version of the blues as approximated by a Cobham's `Spectrum' tribute band in a Muscle Shoals session lead by John Fogerty's beer soaked flannel and Dan Aykroyd.

sounds killer to me.


Quote from: neighbor664 on April 23, 2016, 01:09:05 PM
The jam went as well as it could for three guys who have been away from it for so long. The gear we got to play on was decent. Adequate PA, Fender Super Sonic, Tama Star Classic, Acoustic bass rig (i don't know the model).

Some great moments and some clunkers. Things go best when we slip into a stream-of-consciousness improv and just go where the sounds may lead us.
The thing with us is that the chops and eclectic tastes are there. Once upon a time all three of us could play anything we'd set out to do. The possibilities are so endless it is paralyzing.
I'm striving towards a Cactus and Blue Cheer like interpretation of Captain Beefheart's version of the blues as approximated by a Cobham's `Spectrum' tribute band in a Muscle Shoals session lead by John Fogerty's beer soaked flannel and Dan Aykroyd.

It probably actually just sounds like really bad George Thorogood on weed.

that's funny.
"so out the door you went" heh


Bridge pup with tone knob at 5 or 0 vs neck pup. Go!

Bridge at 0 for the win! Getting into that half cocked wah like tone when I want something less traditional metal sounding.


I use the bridge at about 4 for most applications; neck p/u tone is set to 1 for "fat woman tone."
Livin' The Life.

Danny G

On my 79 Iceman I have the neck coil tap switch wired to take the tone cap in/out of circuit. So can dial in a woman tone and go back and forth with the flick of a switch rather than dialing it back then forgetting to return it to 10 for the next song.

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins



I am clueless in regards to using the tone and volume knobs on a guitar (I'm more of a bass player, 1 volume knob and 1 tone knob is all I want... Fender Precision Bass)
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


^ there are some dudes that tweak constantly.   I tend to use them in a more overt way to obviously change the sound for another part of a song.
the only exception I can think of off-hand is when you are feeling the tube's sound and you need to chill out the guitar output a bit to work the tubes correctly. but that is more like dialing in a sweet spot I guess.

edit: I like to roll the volume like adjusting the attack on an ADSR filter. get that violin sounding attack shit going. try it, it's fun, especially with delays and reverbs all going


I was thinking about the problem with the PUP selector switch and me always knocking it to the bridge PUP. I play the neck 95% so I should reverse those switches.
Then, if I bash the switch down , it already is on the neck PUP and nothing happens. That's the real problem for me.


so GC has some kind of masterclass dealio with Zakky baby. he wrote some ghey song like a ballad, and his solo blows. I think he knows it too so he is having a video contest for people to add their solo to the backing track.  it is at guitarcenter/masterclass.
anyway, they hook you up with some youtube acct  and the backing track and you have to make a video and then host it. the 5 winners get lessons in LA and a pile of gear.

HERE IS MY IDEA. heh.   time to unleash some noise solos, hades mining company style.  in other words, let's all troll the fucker.

edit: you can google the entries. they show up in a couple search type places. it is interesting to see all kinds of ideas and styles and weird looking people.
there seems to be quite a few that I would sort of just like to smash their rigs across their heads.   you'll see.  and that's what gave me the evil idea.  bunch of limp wristed wah's


so the nutrocker is coming along nicely.   (wow, is THAT a setup or what)
the original bee bumble and the stingers version is actually easy

so, dogfood, what if you learned that guitar solo part????muahaha

Since we lost Keith Emerson, I want to learn his version. his kicks ass with more boogie in the middle anyway.
I found this Italian dude who is a really good keyboard player and a huge emerson fan
I think I can learn it from his video.  working on the 3 chord boogie woogie bassline in the middle right now
imagine Mr Bucci playing along with drums and a bass like ELP did. it would slay.

Danny G

I ride my volume knob quite a bit on bass (p-bass).

Often I'll turn my amp up slightly higher than it needs to be and roll the bass knob back a little. That way if I need a little more it's right there on hand. I'll also roll it back further for quieter parts.

Tone knob I don't mess with a whole lot, unless I'm using someone else's amp. Then it's a quick fix for EQing rather than jacking with someone else's amp settings.

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


^technically wise and socially polite.^^
At Least I Don't Have The Clap.

agent of change

Speaking of knobs, I just played with a guy off Craigslist. He said he played Moog but then showed up with a guitar and two pedalboards full, some of them Moog pedals. I should mention he showed up 30 minutes late with no indication of how late he was running. Then he set up but couldn't figure out how to get all his shit working. He was also wearing hippie pants and a tie dye shirt. Then he was sure it was the input jack on his guitar that he had just changed out, and I said "why don't you switch out a cable" and he did and it worked, which was kinda disappointing cuz then I had to actually play with him. He didn't connect with me at all, just played some notes and then mostly twiddled his knobs. Absolute lack of musical connection. Then I told him I had to do some other shit, and helped him pack up his gear. On the way out I told him "30 minutes late killed if for me. I can give you more feedback if you want it." He declined and said he understood.

What a fucking knob.
We didn't come here for economic politics or religious bickering, we came to rock.


People who constantly hunch over their pedalboard chasing after sounds can be hard to deal with. Commit to something...

I like that "boost on tap" way to use the volume knob Danny.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.

Danny G

I like to set it and forget it.

If I have to tweak shit it's mainly a case of resetting my phaser, or some pedals like the FT Bass Drive seem to need to be dialed in a bit every time I play.

I try not to touch my amp once the set starts.

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Quote from: Lumpy on April 27, 2016, 08:31:08 PM
People who constantly hunch over their pedalboard chasing after sounds can be hard to deal with. Commit to something...

agreed. i usually limit myself to a fuzz or distortion and one other fx. flanger or phasor or delay. thats the options. it forces the discipline.

agent of change

I think he fancied himself a psychedelic noise guy and had no idea he was boring as fuck.
We didn't come here for economic politics or religious bickering, we came to rock.