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Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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I love pedals, I hate pedals, my pedalboard is never right, my pedalboard is its not.  >:( ;D ::)
arrgh, fuck, kill.


Gonna have to clean up a bit after the last year and a half of nobody but me in my jam space.  Might be having some people over in the future. Ya never know.
No Focus Pocus

Danny G

I thought my pedalboard was complete, but finally getting back to full band rehearsals and actually trying out all the shit I've been building.

Kind of bummed that the dual Phase 90 clone I built (phase 90 with stomp switch for 2 diff rate pots) doesn't exactly sound like my Phase 90. Will tweak the bias pot and hope that remedies.

Phase 90 is a pedal ive built many of and none of them sound as good as store-bought.

I may just have to hack an existing phase 90 board. There are 2 main settings I use: knob at 9:30 + R28 for slow loud swish, and knob at 11:30 - R28 for a more Univibe sound.

Basically a phase 90 with a second stomp switch which selects between 2 rate knobs with R28 in/out of circuit depending on which setting, and additional red/green LEDs to let you know which setting you are on.

Seems totally doable in theory, but having problems with it >:(

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The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


I was watching a bass vid on steve swallow/jazz and the dude was showing off a riff and walking line. He talked about how, as your stringing the walking line together, you can use a 'cromatic approach note'.
No more bad out of key notes for me. They are now called cromatic approach notes.


Muffin Man

I'd never heard of him so I'm late. I listened to some tunes. are you off into jazz now? I'm guessing that note expression you are taling about will push the music? just aksing

Hey, I might have a lucky score coming on a new bass you would freak if I got it. I'd actually have to learn some new bass if I got it. Starting from zero but this is evern better. Thanks!


Quote from: Muffin Man on June 05, 2021, 02:45:50 AM
I'd never heard of him so I'm late. I listened to some tunes. are you off into jazz now? I'm guessing that note expression you are taling about will push the music? just aksing

Hey, I might have a lucky score coming on a new bass you would freak if I got it. I'd actually have to learn some new bass if I got it. Starting from zero but this is evern better. Thanks!
ive been a jazz head for decades. Thats where the real deal is. I love avant garde free jazz. The more wacked out the better. I love how the line between noise and jazz is blurred in the extreme free jazz. Is borbetomagus jazz or noise?? Hope you score that bass and check out 'coltranes spit' for a small taste of some smokin free noise from my band live back in 2019 i just posted. I stumbled into jazz from my love of all things zappa and capt beefheart.

Muffin Man

excellent. I dig the noiser side myself. Also the Cobham type stuff. Also big on Rahsaan Roland Kirk.


anybody know a good guitar tech who can modify my jazz bass to be like the tractor bass?


Quote from: mortlock on June 07, 2021, 07:41:47 PM
anybody know a good guitar tech who can modify my jazz bass to be like the tractor bass?

Greg Platzer at BCR guitars
He is amazing and often works with top artists.  He would like this kind of project.


Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Quote from: Submarine on June 09, 2021, 10:29:31 AM
Quote from: mortlock on June 07, 2021, 07:41:47 PM
anybody know a good guitar tech who can modify my jazz bass to be like the tractor bass?

Greg Platzer at BCR guitars
He is amazing and often works with top artists.  He would like this kind of project.
thats actually possible. hes in driving distance to me. thanks man.


Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.

Muffin Man

chasing the dragon and why not


If that jazz bass is your #1, tried and true, why mess around with a good thing. Find a nice Squier jazz or another bass and modify that.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Quote from: Lumpy on June 10, 2021, 01:21:31 AM
Tone is in the fingers.

I've been trying to figure out the hierarchy of tone.  I think the fingers are the primary source of tone, guitar 2nd, amp 3rd, pedals/fx being last. 


It goes in order from most to least expensive. 
Vinyls.   deal.


tone is in the power source. i prefer to only play on amps powered by thermonuclear reactors


Your cables have to be oriented in the right direction.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Apparently I am the only one here who understands directional signal flow. Check your cables! One side is IN, the other side is OUT.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Thank you ^^all^^ for correcting me.  Tone is in the wallet.

Danny G

Can confirm the cable polarity thing, I used to think it was just schizo-affective disorder on Eric Johnson's part.

Was doing an album project in a swank millions of dollars studio. We had some time to kill setting up and guitarist was talking about it.

So we tried out *all* of my cables in the pristine acoustics of the studio.

I'll be damned. It's very subtle, but it's there.

It won't make it break your tone by itself, but it's something to consider.

I also realized the main speaker cables I'd been using sounded "flabby" compared to the shorter cables I kept as backups.

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The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Eric Johnson can tell what kind of batteries are in his fuzz face - alkaline or cadmium (wait, are those the two types...) He likes the vintage type.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.

Danny G

Years back EJ was sound checking at the previous Antones location.

He would chug some bass heavy chords, then point to spots in the ceiling rafters 30 feet above.

They had a tech on a very high ladder stuffing bar napkins in the problem areas until they stopped rattling. This process was repeated until they got them all.

The guy who ran sound and telling me the story: "It seemed excessive at the time, but I gotta say... the room sounded better after that."

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The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins