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Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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Quote from: bbottom on June 03, 2016, 08:38:45 PM
We player a killer all ages show last week. The guitar player ended up moshing with the kids while taking solos. I was getting my "rock on" with some chick, who was closer to my age a few feet off of the stage. I think that she appreciated my hard rocking ways and beads of sweat.

We also finished up shooting our video last night. I felt like such an ass miming playing and singing.....but I guess that's how you have to do it.

total milli vanilli action!!


Quote from: mortlock on June 03, 2016, 11:09:15 PM
Quote from: bbottom on June 03, 2016, 08:38:45 PM
We player a killer all ages show last week. The guitar player ended up moshing with the kids while taking solos. I was getting my "rock on" with some chick, who was closer to my age a few feet off of the stage. I think that she appreciated my hard rocking ways and beads of sweat.

We also finished up shooting our video last night. I felt like such an ass miming playing and singing.....but I guess that's how you have to do it.

total milli vanilli action!!
yup pretty much


*6/29 International Noise Conference. Bug Jar. Rochester NY. USA
*7/14 with Uncle Ray / Barbarian / Stoked To Die. The Lair. Buffalo NY. USA
*9/13 with Sedem Minut Strachu / Anal Butt / Scab Addict / American Terrorist. Bug Jar. Rochester NY. USA
*9/30 - 10/2 No London Noise Fest. London, Ontario. CANADA

more shows tba


that was funny. I remember they were called phony baloney after that.


regarding my 2 clip-on tuners after having them for a while now:

a) overall, fuckin A! they rule.
b) the snark is excellent as a setup tool. dials in like a gauge.  while playing, tuning on the fly, it basically sucks because it is difficult to see unless it is at the correct small range of angle.
c) korg sledgehammer is a pain to use as a setup tool.  it even gets disorienting at a glance whether you are sharp or flat. the housing is symmetrical and can be spun all around.
BUT wow is it awesome on the fly. you know you are flat, so you know you are going to tune up, so all you need is the bright blue line that turns bright green. you can see it across the room and at a wide range of angles because it is an active LED, not a backlit LCD screen like the snark.


anyone that has an ipad or iPhone MAY want to check this MOOG model 15 app out.
it is an entire old school actual moog modular all in an app. super smooth, super sexy, and sounds most excellent
the user interface is flat out sick. if anyone REALLY wants to learn modular. here is the king of all, and the app is $30 GTFO!!!!!

I don't have an I-gadget otherwise this would have been on order 5 minutes after I stumbled across it.

this truly is fucking awesome...especially for $30. shit.
here is a demo vid on an ipad, watch the knob tweaks and other subtle stuff

here is more of a review and explaindo


started putting the bandcamp up for the Secret Hidden Chamber Orchestra, "channeling the void" album..  The bandcamp deal is layed out very nicely.

watching the realtime sales happening is fucking inspiring. someone bought a pentagram 2 LP set on yellow vinyl for $27. that's the only one I recognized.
what else was cool was someone bought someone's music and overpaid because they must be a fan or relative. $200 is mondo righteous to receive for a single album sale.

I can dig that.

i'm still trying to finalize the form factor of my 50dB pad to cool off a hot signal going into my camera mic in.  the correct thing to do would be to build a little box with 1/4" F ins and RCA F outs. the cheat thing to do would be to butcher 2 cables into a custom cable with the pad in-line....hmmmmmm...jury still out......

Danny G

Well the Universe has tossed another oddball piece of gear onto my lap.

A good friend was coming out to a gig I did Sunday. Said, "I have an amp for you! My neighbor left it on the curb..."

Well that doesn't bode well. But fuck it, who knows.

Solid state Fender Showman 1x15 combo. Finally investigating it now. Weighs a goddamn ton.

It fires right up! Channel 1 works, but Channel 2 (gain channel) does not. Parametric EQ works. Reverb works. Effects loop works to a point, but makes some weird noises.

Will report back my findings when I can do more research.

Update: Rivera era, 1980's

Would fetch $450 if it was working properly... Damn!

The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Are the channels fused seperately?  Might get lucky.
Vinyls.   deal.

Danny G

I'll look into that. However I am highly suspicious of the missing pot with three clipped wires sticking out, with a sticker labeled "LOTS O' treble"

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


So here is the music video that we shot a few weeks back.  ;D


 cool! who is milli and who is vanilli  ??? ??? ???


Cool song bbottom!

(and a fun video)
At Least I Don't Have The Clap.


Danny G

Awesome! The Ripple Effect really really likes Ocean of Stars!

"Great Divide" single review:

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Drummer is back in town for a couple months and we are working 2/3 new songs for an ep release.

Using the XXX clean channel with the hyper fuzz and liking it better than my Carvin.

Danny G

The Ocean of Stars Tuesday July residency begins tonight at Beerland! 7:30-9pm!

If you live in or around the Austin area, come on out SRL-ers!

No cover!

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


I'm going to play in a reunion of a screamo punkish band I was briefly in in the nineties called Üblisch. We'll have a very limited time to pull it together. Should be fun.
Vinyls.   deal.


I just bought an electronic drumset and plan to write and record a new song each weekend :)

black aspirin

Me and my buddy are gonna cruise the pawn shops today, looking for some hidden treasure.  Been working on a new track, so I may post that shit up later for some feedback while it's still being worked on.
This Juan goes to 11.

black aspirin

That moment when you learn that you've been making some very basic, detrimental mistakes in recording.  Embarrassment and excitement combined.
This Juan goes to 11.

Danny G

So earlier in the month I was amicably dismissed from Bleu Edmondson.

I haven't been talking about because I am dealing with more pressing shit in my life and I was planning an exit strategy anyway.

He was actually really nice about it (text, go figure). I was relieved.

Yes this band has been my chief source of income and I have been playing guitar as opposed to bass.

But his July/August were looking light as hell, which was going to be a major issue for me (bills don't pay themselves).

Onwards and upwards. Back to being my usual musical whorish self and playing with everyone. It's fun. I like being in control of my own calendar.

And now I can actually book Ocean of Stars on weekends.

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Quote from: black aspirin on July 20, 2016, 03:25:36 PM
That moment when you learn that you've been making some very basic, detrimental mistakes in recording.  Embarrassment and excitement combined.

Examples? (If you want to share). I do think fidelity is overrated (good material is most important). Look at black metal, or any SST recording by Spot, for example. But if mistakes are avoidable, then sure, why not?
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.

Danny G

Those breakthroughs are always game changers m/,

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


if anyone is being physically torn down from guitar/bass playing but wants to keep making music, switch to keys.  I can play for hours, take a break and get right back to it and never really feel whooped like after a good 2 hr guitar practice. it also is easy on your tennis elbow, carpal tunnel and weird neck/shoulder strains.

I am NOT abandoning guitars, just saying that keys practicing per hour is way less mean to you overall and if axes are just too much, keys are still an option.